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Computer no longer boots

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Over the past few days my computer had become less and less stable. I saw blue screens more often. I'm not much of a computer guru, but I managed to set this system up myself without too many problems. After setting the computer up it would get blue screens a lot. I thought it might be memory errors so I changed the two DIMMS from slots 1 & 2 to slots 1 & 3 and that seemed to fix things for a bit. I didn't, and still don't really, know the difference between running in dual or single channel.


So today I get home from work and the computer is stuck at booting Winders XP. I restart it fine, but soon get a blue screen so I go to BIOS and not really knowing what to try, I set the memory voltage back down to 2.6V (I had originally bumped it up to 2.8V for the ballistix DIMMS). I save and exit and now the computer does nothing. It just beeps at me. It refuses to even give me the DFI Infinity screen. (as such, I cant check the BIOS to give you a date in my signature)


So did I royally screw something up here, like my motherboard? Any help at all would be appreciated.

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Guest Daveandrew

Try resetting your CMOS on the board (jumper,Battery) did you go to the bios and "load optimized defaults".

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I just woke up this morning and my computer was crashed and is in the same situation as stated above. And now clearing the CMOS doesn't seem to do anything.


EDIT: OK after about 10 minutes of playing around with resetting the CMOS and turning on and off the computer I got the INFINITY flash screen once but it didn't go anywhere past that. I couldn't enter the BIOS.

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Yes it did. I had the DIMMs in slots 2 & 3. I changed them while playing around with things last night. I had meant to put them in 1 & 2 though. It did manage to boot once last night with them in slots 2 & 3, just not this morning. It does not boot with them in slots 1 & 2 though. After it booted with 1, I turned off and put the other into slot 3 and it booted fine.


I'm obviously not understanding something with this memory business. :)

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You must be correct.

I'm obviously not understanding something with this memory business.


And search would have been better than swapping sticks and playing around.


I just searched up this post where I tested 'again' some Crucial Ballistix for some other user. You might do well to follow along with that thread and 'my' posts to him since he seemed to do ok 'after' following what I told him to do.






Yes it did. I had the DIMMs in slots 2 & 3. I changed them while playing around with things last night. I had meant to put them in 1 & 2 though. It did manage to boot once last night with them in slots 2 & 3, just not this morning. It does not boot with them in slots 1 & 2 though. After it booted with 1, I turned off and put the other into slot 3 and it booted fine.


I'm obviously not understanding something with this memory business. :)

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I just searched up this post where I tested 'again' some Crucial Ballistix for some other user. You might do well to follow along with that thread and 'my' posts to him since he seemed to do ok 'after' following what I told him to do.



Is this the thread you are talking about?


I'm going to have to go do some reading on this...


I didn't check what my BIOS version was before leaving for work (at work now).


Is there anywhere anyone can point me to for using memtest for the first time? Would http://www.memtest.org/ be a good place to start? This will probably end up being my weekend project, learning what I can about my memory.

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