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Video Corruption

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Got all my parts from newegg 5 days ago and have been working on getting things working since then. Been up all night 2 nights now and I'm not getting my work done. I need help.


Initially I had problems with the dual channel DIMM's and video would sometimes become corrupted. Was getting all kinds of BSOD and errors in windows. Finally got DIMM problems fixed with 623-2 bios, optimized default settings and yellow slots. I let memtest run for 8 hours with no errors. No more BSOD and errors.


I have turned off everything I could in the bios (com port, irda, audio, 1394).

The video problems still happen in windows xp. It sometimes occurs when I get to login screen. If I get past the login screen without problems then I try playing quake3 or doom3 to stress the video and it usually eventually becomes currupt and locks up.


I am using 78.01 forceware drivers. Bios settings are optimized default. I have all 4 power connectors (24 pin, 4 pin, hdd type and fdd type) connected to the motherboard. I have the 6 pin power connector connected to the 7800 gt graphics card. I have tried moving the video card to the other pci express slot but it made no difference. I am using the dvi to vga adapter that came with the graphics card as I like my old 21" iiyama vision master and don't have money for a new monitor.


I'm now wondering if my PSU isn't enough. Please check my signature and let me know what you think. I need help and am about to call newegg but I'm not sure if the video card is faulty or if I chose a PSU that doesnt have enough power for my video card, motherboard and cpu. Maybe I need to change a bios setting? Help. Thanks. :)

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It's good to hear that the PSU should be ok. I researched what parts to get for this computer for a long time before buying them.


I'm now wondering if the video card is the cause. Funny thing is I have had the computer going for over an hour now, using it to write and check these forum messages and have had no video corruption yet. Now if I start Doom3 I'm pretty sure it will lock up. Once I'm done downloading 3dmark I will try Doom3 again.


When the video corruption happens in xp I get groups of horizontal lines of dots, which are mostly white. These groups of lines are usually about 1/4 of an inch in width. I'm running 1600 x 1200, 75hz. The more I move my mouse around on the screen and use windows the more of these appear untill it becomes hard to tell what I'm doing. In quake3 I got the same looking lines without the lockup. In Doom3 it usually locks up shortly after they start appearing.


BTW I added my case (Antec SLK3000-B) to my sig.

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Case temps?,

my 7800gtx OC runs at 52 C, 7hours 40 minutes of full load (pcmark05)

Case temp 38 C.

CPU 39 C

Given the cards are rated to 115 C, I would guess your 7800GT is faulty, easiest way to test is plug it into another comp.

If you use DirectX diagnostic utility do you get issues with "Direct3D (test's 8 & 9)"?

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