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Will this work *2/3*


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Look in my sig, i really want to know if this is a good deal/parts...

i live in canada,b.c everything im ordering is from NCIX.com (heard there good,loook good)


I wanna know pros/cons,experiences,etc..difficulty w.e!

right now the shopping cart says about: 837.00$

After Shipping: 42$ ; Insurance: 12$? ; PST/GST: whooping! 2x64$!!

it comes to about 1,092.00$ !!!



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GOOD GOD MAN!!! Is that an old pci(not pci-e)gaphics card? Why in the world would you do that to yourself?


And if you gonna OC you might want to consider a 3200+ or over. Some people seem to have probs with the 9x multi(or maybe its just because its binned lower), then again some don't.


I got that OCZ modstream 520W, and I like it ALOT. Its very quiet and the modular cable deal is sweet. Maybe the 450W would be better for you and free up some budget room. With your current setup 450W should be plenty(someone jump on me if you disagree).


I got that board too, no one can say it isn't bad butt.


Good luck!


P.S. Just for the hell of sayin' it, I got an old FX 5200 AGP(on other socket A setup). Dude you livin' in the stone age.

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5200 FX 256MB? PCI..its not dat bad...

i started with a TNT2 Pro.Lol (3rd GFX card made by nVidia :O )

then my dad bought 5200 for me..and i dont want to make him upset...:S

the only way id upgrade,if there was a MEGA SUPER DUMPER thing for like 150$..

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