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BIOS Flashing...failed? =S

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Hi all.


Well, i burned the TMod CD2, booted up with it, select DFI NF2 Ultra Inf. BIOS and then i choosed 6-19 BIOS.


I saw that there were some "sectors" in red, in the legend says something like: "writing failed" something like that =/

At least the half of the squares were red marked :confused:


Well, when it looks to finish the proccess it said Press F10 to exit, i pressed F10 and then i was in a DOS prompt, that said: "A:/"


Pressed Control + Alt + Del and turned off the computer inmediatly, taked off the power connector, jumper in CLEAR CMOS for 1 min, turned it on, loaded optimized, saved, and i saw in the POST Screen that the date of the bios was the same one that i had, not 6-19 :confused:




Do you know what can be wrong with my computer or if did something wrong? :sweat:





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hmm okay then, never tried it so didnt know :O.

i was reading somewhere in a flashing guide that red squares usualy mean that part of the chip is damagenunflashable... dont know what the problem is, only ran into that problem with the old asus. are you trying to hotflash or something, mabye using a bios chip other than stock?

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Yup i guess thats definitely a possibility. I suppose the only thing he can do is try it again. I think i'd probably be a bit wary the 2nd time round if i didn't have a backup plan, just incase it screwed up completely.

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For some reason the flash failed... Did you clear Cmos and load optimised defaults before attempting the flash? Have you tried it again since?

no, i just thougth that i should do that AFTER flashing the bios, if i do that i'll have to go and put the CDROM as the primary boot device, no problem with that?


Where is the flash protection (wich menu)?

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Well, I just tryed it again and it works!


The BIOS Flash protect was disabled, or maybe it was enabled and when i cleared cmos it turns into disabled the first time that i tryed to flash it.


I did exactly what angry said in the topic for a good bios flashing, i'll try later with memtest and my Kingston 512MBx1 BT5 chips memory...



Thanks all!

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Memtest didnt work at CAS 3-3-3-8-13-15 (optimal settings) at 200 MHz 1:1 2.7vdimm 2.78 real

CPU 200x9 = 1.8 GHz at 1.675v


Memtest 1.6 (with tmods cd2)

TEST 5= 7.374 Errors xD!!!

TEST 6= 439 Errors


In less than 30 minuts!



And with 2.6vdimm but 166 MHz at 2.5-3-3-7-13-15 it runs like 1 hour and 15 min without errors.


So i think the memory is completly ok, but it isnt compatible at all with my config (or the DFI infinity???).

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