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Radeon 9700 Vs 9700 Pro

Mad Cow

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I really want to get a new video card before the new games come out this fall. I was planning on getting a 9700 Pro, thinking that the price was around $220. I was wrong. The price is around $280 for the Pro and only $210 for just the 9700. I am short on cash since I'm finishing up buying the parts for my water cooling system. Besides the lower core clock, what's the differences between the 9700 Pro and 9700? Can I just overclock a 9700 to make it as fast/faster than a 9700 Pro? What brands do you recomend? Thanx!

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VPU and memory bus on 9700 and 9700PRO are identical except for core and memory frequencies. 9700PRO runs at 325mhz core and 310mhz (620DDR) memory, while 9700 runs at 275 core and 270 (540DDR) memory. The core should OC to 325 but the memory probably won't make it to 310. I suggest you look around and find out what RAM OC's best and try to obtain a card with that particular RAM.

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Thanx for your opinions. I will probably go with the plain 9700 because I am short on cash. Anyway, I will soon afterward get a waterblock for the GPU so I will be able to oc it even further. I also might try to find a way to put a peltier pad on it. That'll be nice B) . Any card recomendations?

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