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Cannot Run in Dual Channel

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System is in sig.


Here is the problem as it rolls out. I originally got the computer togather and had many issues getting it up and running (N4D704-1 BIOS). I ended up having to run the ram at 2-3-3-7 1T to be able to use it. If i would raise the CAS up to 3 it would not boot. I started to think that there was a problem with the ram so I tested it. I would get 1 error in memtest no matter how many times I looped it. So I then tested the sticks individually and found that I was getting the errors on only one of the sticks. So I RMA'ed the stick and I just got it back today.


Today I stick in the new RAM (slots 2 & 4) and the system will not post. All that happens is that the power light on the case blinks. I reset the CMOS, still no luck. I then switch to slots 1 & 3, still not luck. I then go back to one stick, get back into windows and decide to try some different bios'. I flash the N4D623-3 BIOS (clear CMOS) and try it all over again, same outcome. I then try the 704-2BTA BIOS (clear CMOS) and get the same result. For some reason the computer just will not take 2 sticks of RAM.


As far as RAM settings, I have tried all sorts of combinations, I have used the Optimized defaults, I have set them up manually in all sorts of combinations and still no luck.


Does anyone have any other idea's that I can try? I am about the RMA the motherboard.

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1. As far as I know you can run 1T with 2 x 1 GB sticks, 2T is for the use of 4 Sticks. The problem here is that I cannot even get to the bios with 2 sticks to switch it to 2T.


2. Yes I am switching off my PSU when moving the sticks and clearing the CMOS.

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Use the orange slots.


If you are running the CPU at 200Mhz FSB you can use the lower timings.


Try this,


>DRAM Configuration..................Press Enter = New Menu

FSB BUS Frequency....................200

DRAM Voltage Control.................2.7V


GENIE BIOS Setting >DRAM Configuration

DRAM Frequency Set (MHZ).............200 (DRAM/FSB:1/01)

Command per clock (CPC)..............Disabled for now

Cas latency (tCL)....................2.5

RAS to CAS delay (tRCD)..............3

Min RAS active time (tRAS)...........7

Row precharge time (tRP).............3

Row cycle time (tRC).................11

Row refresh cycle time(tRFC).........14

Row to Row delay (tRRD)..............2

Write recovery time (tWR)............3

Write to read delay (tWTR)...........2

Read to write delay (tRWT)...........2

Refresh period (tREF)................AUTO

Write CAS latency (tWCL).............1

DRAM Bank Interleave.................Enabled


DQS Skew Control.....................Decrease Skew

DQS Skew Value.......................0

DRAM Drive Strength..................AUTO

DRAM Data Drive Strength.............AUTO

Max Async Latency....................6ns

Dram Response........................Normal

Read Preamble Time...................5ns

Idle Cycle Limit.....................AUTO

Dynamic Counter......................Disabled

R/W Queue Bypass.....................AUTO

Bypass Max...........................AUTO

32 Byte Granularity..................Any value



And you must have all 4 power connectors plugged into the board.

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1. I have tried both the orange and the yellow slots, tried the orange for the most part.

2. I am running 200 FSB for now

3. All the power connectors are plugged in.

4. The board should still boot even if they are from a different batch, most computers have no problem running 2 different brands of sticks, they simply revert to the slowest speeds and the lower memory size.

5. Also Most ppl out there taht I see runniing the same setup i am are running 1T.


Any other Ideas?

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I get the feeling that this is more of a motherboard problem then RAM issue, I am also having issues with the thing not wanting to boot even if it posts. And this is all with relaxed timings.


Another issue that i am having: Should I have to clear the CMOS if i only have one stick of ram in and move it between slots. The way it is working now is that i can have a single stick go prime stable for 8 hours, if i move slots it will not boot, i have to clear the cmos the get it to boot. Or if i switch the sticks from one to another it will not boot.



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Might be the board :(


Remove everything that is not needed.

All hard drives

All PCI card/ the SCSI card.


Test the board out of the case and on a flat non conductive surface.


Then try again + did my timings do anything?

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Thanks for the suggestions, I am going to try them out. However Most times the computer will not even post if i clear the CMOS and then stick in both sticks of RAM, this leads me to belive the board is bad. If i cant get it running tonight i am going to RMA it.





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