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Kingston CAS3 and BlueScreens

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well they are the exact same as my two sticks. mine are good for 225 2.9v so far.

here are the nums on my chips:




then at the bottom in SMALL print:



go ahead and crank the ram to 2.9v at cas2.5, the data sheet i found rates them at at 2.5 anyway.

been running mine 247 at 225x10 3-3-3-8 2.9v for awhile, mabye it is a bad stick...


but good luck running two sticks and be stable at any overclock :D




strange, all the chips on the side with the sticker say "0436VR" but the ones on the back all say "0436VB"...

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Hey Vassili Zaitsev,


Have you gotten the issues worked out yet?


If not, you could try this with that memory... 2.7v to 2.9v (as mentioned above by others), with 2.5-3-3-3-8 timings (also mentioned above), but change the tRC and tRFC values to tRC = 11 and tRFC = 14, instead of the stock values (which are usually at tRC = 13 and tRFC = 15).


Best to you,



PS - I like the 6.19.4 BIOS the best, at least for official DFI NF2 Ultra Infinity BIOSes. If you're having memory errors/issues, you probably ought to see if you can get that fixed first, and before you would move into flashing a different BIOS. Flashing a BIOS when you're having stability problems and memory error issues could mess up the BIOS you're trying to flash to. Flashing a BIOS while overclocked has been known to cause problems too.

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Lots of thanks to you guys!


I owe you like 5! :D



more than 2 hours, prime at lots of ram tested, 200x11 1.7vcore, 45 max cpu temp, RAM at 2.5-3-3-3-8-11-15



*it would be fine if you make that other people know that, to they think about it before buying that RAM...I'll buy a OCZ Premier 2.5-3-3-7 and see if that thing gives me 220 at CAS 2.5

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Memtest send me a lot of errors arround 1 hour of test, 32 errors...

So, i putted the ram into the fartest dimm from the cpu, DIMM3.

No problems in memtest for 1 hour but problems with prime.


Aint gonna keep with this guys, I'll test it in a intel board and if it works ok i'll sell it and buy a GEIL Value




Or that:



A lot of OCZ premier is coming DOArrival, im from Venezuela and aint gonna take that risk for 5 or 10 MHz more of FSB...

see this: http://secure.newegg.com/NewVersion/FeedBa...N82E16820146846

unbeliavable that OCZ is problematic in quality, at least with that premier/value...


Cya guys.

*aint gonna use 2.8v for this ram, i wont take that risk again :D i rather to sell it...

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Theres no risk in using 2.8v, thats fine. Its only when you start getting to 3.0v and over your taking a risk, especially without active cooling...


Mosel Sat5B can typically overclock to around 240mhz with cas2.5-3-3-X timings, or 220mhz with 2,3,2,X timings. I have seen someone else have issues with it in these boards though... and your Bios choice isn't exactly the best imo. For starters it doesn't have Alpha Timing and CPC options does it?


Which tests are you failing in Memtest? If Test #5 then a lot of the time that can be fixed with more voltage...


You'd be better with a new PSU too :D

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but the computer wasnt crashing with this PSU and the corsair value, well, I'll flash the bios, with 6-19


But first I'll put the FSB 1:1 at 166 MHz and CAS 2.5, 2.7vdimm and vcore 1.7v

It shouldnt crash, in windows it never crashes, just in games.


Would be ok flashing with winflash or something?


Is that the BIOS?


PCB Revision A

Date Code 2004/06/19

File NF2In6191.zip

Size 285,750 bytes

Description Remarks:

1. Please give instruction "AWDFLASH N24ID619.BIN /F/QI/CC/Sn/Py" upon flashing BIOS.

2. "Load Optimized Defaults" will be required after completing the BIOS flashing since this version is overall renewed.

Major Reasons For Change:

To solve the occasionally auto reboot issue.

To solve the cold-boot bug.

To solve the Bug of S3 Resuming.

To Support "Boot Menu" feature.

To include the micro codes of mobile CPUs.

To add new RAID BIOS of Sil 3114 in version 5.0.35.




I really need to see a FAQ about bios flash :D

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