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Mushkin Redline 4000 OC unstable


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Hey all

ran superpi and occt with my processor at this speed and everything worked out okay. So I started playing with my ram timings and it passes superpi no sweat but when I do occt I get an error. What I am wondering is what I should do from here. Which settings should I play around with to try and figure out a stable overclock.


current specs/voltages/settings included in my sig

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try, just once, setting your ram to auto but just enableing cpc. Run cpu-z when it boots to see what settings it's showing in memory then compare to spd. Maybe I am dumb, but I always start there. The board is damn good and does a very good job on auto settings, at least for me to start with. Then I know what the board is doing then I tweak from there. I also know that particular ram is finicky and not to forgiving with wrong settings

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