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Overclocking and Cool&Quiet..


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Heya. I was just wondering if it's possible to use Cool&Quiet while overclocking.


Basically I would like to take some strain off my PC at night or any idle time, as well as reducing noise. However, on the driver page for the C&Q driver it has a nice warning message saying 'Please do not install this driver if you intend to do overclocking'.


Is there actually a risk of something messing up?


I'm hoping that it's just there to stop stupid people from complaining that they're overclock keeps getting lowered because of C&Q..


Any input??

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Dont do it....


It will be a horrible nightmare. It will either kill some hardware or confuse the crap out of you with strange behavior. And for future reference dont use Nvidia Ntune either.



There is allot of this sort of info on this forum already... try the search function in the future. you will get instant info usually, rather than someone having to respond:)


Also DFI isnt the type of company to put out warnings you dont have to listen to. If they say dont use something... dont. It will save you headaches!!!

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What if you disable it in the BIOS before you overclock? Does anyone know what having it enabled during an overclock actually does?



It will make you crazy with weird errors and BSODs and basically make you want to toss your computer in a lake if you dont fry it b4 that happens. So take it from us and forget about it completely. Just to let you know that I tried it right when A64's came out in Skt 754 and it took me forever to figure out what was going on.


So take it from those who know:)



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from what i've read on the forums, it works just fine on 939s in most cases. one guy just had to change his overclock from 209 to 210 and it was perfect.


im not going to bother trying it anyway as i found my PSU is the only loud part in my system.

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If you are talking about 939 boards in general, you might read all sorts of things on other forums. If you are interested in what works with DFI boards, this is the place. If you are convinced C'n'Q is a neat thing to do, then by all means, go for it. Don't listen to advice from people who have been there. What do they know?

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