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serious windows xp pro install problem

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well today i upgraded my bios to 6/23-3 and well i tried to install xp pro and got passed the point where it copies all the files to your hdd and then restarts. now everytime it gets pastr the windows logo screen and i tried 10 times and each time i got one of the following errors

"stop: c000021a(Fatal System Error). the session manager initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc000026c (0x00000000, 0x00000000)


or this one


"a problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer. Technical information: ***Stop 0x0000008E (0x000001D, 0x8057ADC6, 0xF7AE7A30, 0x00000000). Beginning dump of physical memory. physical memory dump complete"


if anyone knows how to fix this that would be great thanks.


edit iWOW OMFG i just let memtest run for 2 hours and got 485 ERRORS on test 8!!!!! thats giotta be a new record :eek2: and all i have done is type in the timmings to the bios and under what kind of memory do you have i clicked fast instead of ultra. then i oced my fsb from 200-220 so maybe that is causing the problem i will go try to install with only auto settings on everything.

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yep all i did was click on n4d623-3 it wrote to floppy, put it in myfloppy booted it automatically wrote, i restarted, click on load optimized defaults, saved it to cmos1, inserted the windows disk, saved and exited the bios, here i am.



i am running memtest now.its at 85%, if it passes i will write down all the settings i put in for the dram section.



ok passed every test this time. here are my settings


Dram freq: 200)Dram/fsb: 1/01)

cpc: auto

tcl: 2.5

trcd: 3

tras: 6

trp: 3

trc: 9

trfc: 11

trrd: 2

twr: 2

twtr: 1

trwt: 3

tref: 3120 cycles

twcl: 1

Dram bank interleave: enabled

Dqs skew control: increase

Dqs skew value: 200

Dram drive strength: auto

Dram data drive strength: auto

Max async latency: 7 nano

Dram response time: fast

Read preamable time: 4 nano

Idlecycle limit: 032 cycles

Dynamic counter: disable

R/W queue Bypass: 16x

Bypass max: 7x

32 Byte Granularity: disable(4 bursts)



i have only run into this error one since i put those settings in even though ive only tried 4 times so far

"stop: c000021a(Fatal System Error). the session manager initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc000026c (0x00000000, 0x00000000)

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dram volatge = 2.6




edit hey i fixed that error but now when i get into the windows installation screen i got an error that says

"lsass.exe- system erroe

an invalidad parameter was passed to a service or function"


the onlyoption i have is it click ok then it restarts all over again

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well my dad called me and put his friends on the phone to help me and i got it installed ok. now all i have to do is set up a internet connection. IF anyone can help me do this thanks. btw i have dsl connected from a router to my comp.

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