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Keyboard Not Recognized


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I'm building 2 identical systems for my brother and myself. First build went smoothly with the windows install. All hardware was recognized first time out. Everything was

running great. I put the second system together and the keyboard does not work when booting up. Trying to get to the bios setup I hit reset a few times when the load-up was too far along to get to the bios. Then I started to get a message that I had to reset the bios. Great...without a working keyboard it's a no go. On the other system the keyboard works both in Ps/2 mode as well as Usb so I've eliminated the keyboard as the problem. At first I thought it was the Ps/2 keyboard socket but Usb fails to work also. At any rate I did try a spare Ps/2 kb I had lying around but that didn't work either. I then cleared the Cmos by removing the battery and changing the jumper for 2 hrs. Still no go. I'm now getting a message that the Cmos was cleared and to setup the bios. The Mb led shows 1 light if that's any help. I'm coming to the conclusion that an RMA is in order but thought I'd check here first to see if anyone has any ideas.

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