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Thermaltake Big Typhoon Help


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I need help quick :(.


Just bought a Thermaltake Big Typhoon heatsink and fan and i can't seem to get it to fit. It appears that the 'B' screws that came with the heatsink are too small. The screws that fit the yellow socket retention thing onto the motherboard are the same type but slightly longer and even they aren't long enough to fit through the locking bracket and reach to the otherside to screw into the screws on the backplate on the the yellow backplate that comes with the motherboard.


Anyone manage to install this heatsink on this motherboard or a similar motherboard and can help me out.


I was warned that this motherboard is a real classy lady to install but i wasn't expecting screws that weren't long enough to fit, or am i missing something?

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I bought my Big Typhoon at CompUSA two DAYS ago. I had previously purchased one from MicroCenter about 2 MONTHS ago.


The one I got from MicroCenter had screws that where too short as well.


The one I got at CompUSA had a totally different hardware kit from the one from MicroCenter (longer screws, treaded standoffs and an updated instruction manual where included in the newest kit).


The screws in the new kit are MUCH longer and you will have to install the heatsink differently. Putting the screws in from the bottom of the board and up through the metal bracket on top of the heatsink.


I was able to install the heatsink by putting the screws up through the bottom of the board using the bottom plastic base as a holder and then securing the metal bracket on top of the heatsink using the included nuts. The instruction manual says to remove the bottom plastic base and use their metal bracket on the bottom of board using the two sided tape foam insulator but I did not do it that way.


This was done on an Abit AV8 but the 939 sockets on these boards are almost identical.


If the screws you have are too short you probably have the older kit.

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Hello, what i have done is a bit of a "ghetto" bodge job.


Done something similar to you where i put the Pentium4 socket screws, the big longs ones through and done it that way.


But i have heard that the problem is that the Dfi and some other K8 boards come with a non standard backplate so that the screws aren't long enough to fit through the H plate and get to the non-standard backplate.

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I also ran into same problem as you, I just bought some longer screws, too bad the DFI backplate didn't follow our standards here, screw sizes in millimetres, it was inch.


So I had to take slightly bigger screws and polish the edge of the nuts so it would fit in the backplate, at least the screwholes itself were bigger so it would fit these screws. I'm satisfied with the results... seems stable. The temps are about right too... with AS5 I get ~30C idle temp and 40C load when running my SD3700+ @ 2.61GHz 1.57V.

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Well, thank Dave.


i saw that all DIMM slot aren't obstructed.


For Karl,


here some interessted comment catched in xtremesystems forum :

1. "They would be better off providing long screws with plastic/nylon washers for back of mobo and some springs and wingnuts like i used." by someone in http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums


note: i saw a picture with this.


2. "I attached a thin strip of metal from each top corner of the BT to the top rail where the PSU fits in to reduce any chance of movement and also to reduce stress on the mobo...."

by Ugly n Grey http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showth...ght=big+typhoon


i think i purchase this monster tomorow.





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