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S/PDIF vs. SoundBlaster Audigy

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I just acquired the Mother Board, CPU and Memory in my sig (and the HDTV actually). I want to make this PC an HTPC and play games and DVD's on the HDTV. I know basically nothing about the on board sound capability of this board and just noticed that it even has an optical out jack (S/PDIF). I had been wondering how I was going to handle the sound in my living room with this HTPC....wondering if I would have both my home theatre receiver with 5.1 sound for TV as well as the Creative MegaWorks speakers for sound coming from the PC because I didn’t realize there even was an option to run the home theatre receiver with optical from the PC until just now.


Can anyone give me any advice? Is there a benefit to even use my Audigy 2 card anymore? Or should I just get the onboard sound (Karajan Audio Card and FrontX) along with my home theatre sound system?


Please forgive my ignorance but technology is outpacing my ability to keep up with it.


Thanks for any replies!! :)

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I had a similar problem upgrade to an Audigy 2 card or use the on board sound module (Karajan) and have the Creative 5.1 surround sound speakers.

I went with the Audigy2 card over the onboard stuff for quality reasons and I didn't want to take a chance short changing myself over money concerns

Been happy with the outcome even though creative drivers till this day can still be a pain in the butt to deal with but no problems so far

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Thanks for the reply!


But check out the third post in this thread:






This is a post I found that has got me thinking. This guy seems to know what he is talking about; and it seems to imply that "quality" may not be with the Audigy 2 solution.....


I don't know, but I like the idea of just having my home theatre sound system out there in the living room (that will be there anyway) and not have two sets of speakers (the MegaWorks too).


I already own all of it; I'm just trying to find the best solution. :)

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What is SPDIF?

It is a way of encoding the audio signals into a digital output.

Remember that.


Now what is the difference between an Audigy2 and the Karajan module?


Karajan = only a codec. Not a sound card.

With the use of drivers, it uses your CPU to emulate a sound card. (software sound card).

What can it do?


* Using your CPU it generated all the number of voices.

* Does sound mixing on a software level.

* 3d effects, surround/environmental effect/EAX.

All the features = use your CPU + all are very basic.


Audigy2 = 100% sound card

*All hardware

*Hardware sound mixing

*onboard processor does all the number of voices. 3d support/effects

Advanced audio effects, EAX

*Surround sound


Now which one is better?

Audigy2 :)


Feed Audigy2 output into digital encoder for SPDIF output = cleaner signal + still good


Feed Karajan output into digital encoder for SPDIF output = cleaner signal + still crap


So yes if you want the best possible sound, use the Audigy2.

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What is SPDIF?

It is a way of encoding the audio signals into a digital output.

Remember that.


Now what is the difference between an Audigy2 and the Karajan module?


Karajan = only a codec. Not a sound card.

With the use of drivers, it uses your CPU to emulate a sound card. (software sound card).

What can it do?


* Using your CPU it generated all the number of voices.

* Does sound mixing on a software level.

* 3d effects, surround/environmental effect/EAX.

All the features = use your CPU + all are very basic.


Audigy2 = 100% sound card

*All hardware

*Hardware sound mixing

*onboard processor does all the number of voices. 3d support/effects

Advanced audio effects, EAX

*Surround sound


Now which one is better?

Audigy2 :)


Feed Audigy2 output into digital encoder for SPDIF output = cleaner signal + still good

Feed Karajan output into digital encoder for SPDIF output = cleaner signal + still crap


So yes if you want the best possible sound, use the Audigy2.



Thanks for all the responses! :D


Thanks especially for the detailed quote above. In regard to the part that I bolded and underlined: How do you feed Audigy 2 output into digital encoder for SPDIF output? Are you saying I can get my Audigy 2 to run my home theatre speakers that are attached to my home theatre receiver? And then I wouldn't have to have two sets of speakers in my living room?

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I meant the sound processor, instead of converting the signal into analogue, it converts it into an SPDIF out format.


But if your speakers/receiver has an SPDIF - in jack, you can.


Only the Audigy 2 platinum pro has an optical SPDIF out.

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