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SSE support?

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I recently downloaded the Age of Empires 3 demo and an error occurred during installation, something about my processor doesn't support advanced SSE instruction. So I went into the bios settings and sure enough the SSE instructions were disabled. So I enabled it, saved, and tried getting back into windows. Unfortunately, after the windows loading screen I get a BSOD, and the cycle repeats. I disabled the SSE and everything went back to normal, but alas, I can't play Age of Empires 3.


My processor is an AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Venice and I'm positive it has support for SSE and SSE2. So my question is...Is it the motherboard that doesn't have support? I have a dfi lanparty ut nf4-d. I still haven't updated the bios since i bought it (i'm a little scared to mess with that stuff). If i update the bios will that solve the problem?


Thanks and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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