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Anyone Here Use Tec?

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I was thinking about going to water cooling in the next couple of months, then I saw peltier and it looked failry interesting, anyone know much about it?

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LOL, it's a peltier.


Thermal Electric Cooling.


One side gets extremely cold, other side gets extremely hot.


It really isn't worth the troubles. You have to get a diffrent power supply for it (if yours isn't powerful enough). You have to get good w/c to cool the hot side.


I would just say get a real good w/c kit and don't use a pelt.

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I know it's kidna a pain to put in, but promethia looks like it'd be just as annoying. I'm thinking about getting a danger den around christmas and then going for peltier. I'd just need a gimungous PS (550 at least) and a new water block...not to mention a few other things to make sure the cold plate has enough time to cool down before I actually boot...and a bigger case. But it'll still be about the size of an average wc kit minus a few pci slots. It should fit in a pc71. Anyhow, I was just hoping someone here would have already gotten into it and wuld be able to give me some pointers. Oh well.

Edited by thespatalian

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