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I think i may have lost -another- motherboard the other day. I came home and jumped on the computer, checking my downloads, email, and just doi\ng some general web browsing. Suddenly, windows decides to go into standby mode. Ok, reboot, see if it was a fluke. Does it again. My first thought was overheating, so i plugged in my 120mm exhaust on top that i usually keep off due to noise. It does it again, but this time it doesn't come back on. The wierd piece is, the motherboard power led is on like normal, on startup all the fans start going, just with no video. I tryed my geforce and a loaner pci video card and got nothing. I am beyond 30 days from googlegear, so there isn't an easy way out. It is an asus p4c800 running a p4 2.4 ghz (old 400 fsb version). Is there a way to fix this (beyond clearing cmos, letting it sit etc.. already tried). before i try and get ahold of an asus tech support on monday?

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Have you tried resetting the CMOS battery? I have done that before with Asus boards, take the battery out and then move the jumper over to clear the CMOS wait a few minutes then replace the stuff back. Also have you tried a different processor? Just some things to try thats all. GL :)

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hmm ive taken the battery out and changed jumper, but i dont think at the same time.. i have to try that. I haven't tried a new processer. because the one that i am using in that motherbaord i am using in my computer right now on a loaner mobo.

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