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success story for those who don't see a reason to "burn-in".



and one for me to. a couple months ago my 2400+ processor could only run stably at a max of 2535Mhz. when i pushed it a little more after burning in for over 30+ hours it became unstable and i could no longer run at 2535Mhz 100% P95 stable (vcore at 2.1, anything higher didn't want to boot). dropped back down and left it running between 2500Mhz and 2511Mhz for a few weeks. i went back to tweaking my pc the other day: i flashed my bios. after that i went right to 2535 with no errors and then lowered all settings in bios and tried upping the vcore in bios from 2.1v to 2.125 and it worked! then i tried 254_Mhz stable (short test) and then went to 2557.8Mhz (12.5x204.6Mhz). this eventually ran into stability problems with Prime after somewhere between 5 and 7 minutes. so then i decided to mess around with fsb but won't go into all the details. was able to get it stable at 213.0Mhz 2-3-2-6 [email protected] (a new high for my ram), but i had to have the processor clocked at a lower frequency and vcore (so far it looks like it doesn't like high fsb with high vcore/cpu freq).

so next i tried 2565.2Mhz (13x197.3Mhz) w/vcore set to 2.125 in bios (2.11 actual) and it was able to run Prime95 stable for a little over 2hrs (2hrs and sub 10 minutes. decided to take a screen shot but when i opened a folder the comp rest it self). i was surprised that it was more stable at this higher frequency than it was at a lower one while still using the same vcore. i'm going to do a vdd mod on this board and see if i can't get some higher fsb frequencies to work with the high cpu freq/vcore.

ordered Arctic Alumina Adhesive (x1), Arctic CERAMIQUE 22g (x1), Tweakmonster BGA Ramsinks. set of 4 (x2). going to add the bga sinks to my 6 mosfets on my mobo to cool them off for when i do the vdd mod. also have a heatsink for my south bridge ready to install, just waiting for the thermal adhesive (i wanted to buy ceramique thermal adhesive but the site i was buying my bga ram sinks from didn't have them. i choose http://www.jab-tech.com//customer/product....6&cat=93&page=1 because they were selling those specific bga sinks for less than any other resellers i could find ($11.99 USD) for set of 4. others were around $15 (14.99) for a set of 4 and 29.99 for 8. i was planning on buying atleast 2 sets,... ah forget about it. its too late and i still need to make an outline for language class i'm taking tomorrow at 10:30am. i want to finish that and get some rest.)

i'm currently running stable at 2551.6Mhz (13x196.3Mhz). i probably won't be tweaking again for about a week or so. i'll update if i do.


p.s: the frequencies in my sig are the frequencies my comps are currently running at. once i get around to atleast 12hr stable Prime95 testing i'll put a P in my sig somewhere. probably won't do 24hr testing cause that would take a nice chunk away from folding and i don't want to do that :O . later all. gl to all with your burning in.


oh and the higher stable vcore might have been effected by the bios update. i didn't start tweaking again until after i flashed to bios #17. so don't know if higher stable vcore is from burning-in or bios.


P.S: correction... just looked back at my screen shot and found that it was at 2524Mhz that i was P95 stable for 36hrs and 31 minutes (not 2535Mhz). either way i still need to go back down to 2500Mhz and 2511Mhz and burn-in for awhile before i could get back up and pass 2524Mhz eventually.

Edited by Trakfast11

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I am finding similar results.. burn in for a dayor so.. try next step in the FSB... have problems...

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been upping the FSB slightly, burn in tests for several hours or close to a day and then just using it for about a week (running F@H 24/7, gaming, etc. etc.)


and while I haven't made it back to my all time high, I have made it close to my all time high with a much lower Vcore...


which means a cooler system...


from an electrical engineering stand point, it doesn't make sense as mentioned in that article TRAK(nice find)

but the real world messes with many "laws and rules"


I'm still working on breaking that whole "gravity" law :P


Either way...just more evidence that a better overclock can be achieved by going slowly (VERY slowly) and taking your time

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wow, i went to the speech and language center and found out that i wasn't suppose to me today (suppose to be tomorrow!) :smack: . since i have already finished my work, i think i'm going to rest for a bit. -_-


I'm still working on breaking that whole "gravity" law

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I have an SLK-800 with a Tt Smart fan running at 3200rpm...


according to Mobo Monitor the die is at 44c the socket is at 42c and the mobo temp is running at 24c


this is on an ASUS A7N8X Dlx PCB 2.0 with a 2400+ running at about 2.2Ghz with my vCore set at 1.75


I have had my FSB quite a bit higher, but I had to rachet my vCore way up..... trying to keep VCore as low as possible


hope that helps.....

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