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Any suggestions?

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Ill get my board tommorrow so Im getting ready and all backed up so I can be up and running this weekend. I have no idea what versions of what will come with my new board. I just downloaded the 623-3 bios (diamond flash ver) on a floppy ready to go, the Nvidia 6.66 chipset drivers and the 77.77 graghics drivers. I generally dont like to load what I dont need so straight after my bios update I plan to disable on board sound and lan I have cards for both. Now this NTune I understand to be an OC utility which I dont plan to use. Ill go into the bios and do all that myself once Im all stable. Oh the last NF board I had (Abit NF-7) the conventional wisdom was stick with the Windows IDE drivers and NOT the NV ide drivers. Is this still a good idea? Wont be running raid so I can diable that as well. Also I understand with these boards there is NO need to hit f6 and install the SATA drivers when loading my XP OS. Im open to any suggestions.




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Actually the Marvell gigabit LAN that comes on the board is not too shabby. You could save yourself a PCI slot if you needed to, it will do the job.


You got it right with the NV IDE drivers, keep on doing what you've been doing. You're also correct about not needing to hit F6 to recognize your SATA drives. They work great!


It sounds like you're ready to hit the ground running with the drivers you've already downloaded! Great!


Your option to disable the onboard audio won't really matter. I've done a few benchies with it enabled as well as disabled and as long as I'm not using it, it makes no difference. But hey, if you're the type of guy who likes to have only the BARE essentials, more power too ya!


Sounds like you have a MAMMOTH system you're building, and I wish you luck building it!

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Thanks Poppy damn thats a fine screen-name BTW LOL. I run NASCAR in a league and got a race Saturday night. So I really wanna have my ducks all lined up. I like to be prepared since no matter how careful you are Ole man Murphy seems to like to pop in. Plus these boards sound like a bit of a challange which I like too. You know I think I will try the on-board LAN but I already have the audigy and like it. THX again for the input!!

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Thanks Poppy damn thats a fine screen-name BTW LOL.


Thanks man! I got the name back when CS first came out... I was a noob and only used the auto shotty, but pwned everyone with it! So, the guys I played with all started to call me PoppyMcShotgun! It's been with me for so many years now...

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