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how to slow down the booting process?

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hi, is there any way to pause the boot process at the point where it tell you to press del to get into bios?? to see the ver number of the bios and all... for me, it just flashes by and go into windows selection

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you dont need to be precise when you press del just keep clicking it from when you boot (dont hold it)


scroll lock MIGHT work at pausing the POST (infomation on boot)


someone who know for sure will post soon

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You can view your BIOS version from the desktop. Go to Start --> Run, type msinfo32 and click OK. You'll see "BIOS Version/Date" in the right hand panel. All DFI BIOS versions are the reverse of the date. For example, the date for my BIOS is 15/06/2005 which means I've got v615.

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er for the pause key do i hold it when the DFI logo show up or?


and i need to do this to see hte bios version (if it did indeed flashed to 3/10, it said successe and i shut downed after POSt and cleared cmos for 10 min then restarted.


Ok, when you power on, start tapping the DEl key. Once you see it load Bios go to Advanced Bios Feautures. At the very bottom (*use scroll (arrow) key) you will see

"full screen logo show" Disable it ~!, now save and exit.


Reboot and instead of the splash screen you can see your Bios in the bottom left as it detects and boots like a PC normally does. *(and now it has the nifty when to hit the del key message also)

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