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Posts posted by Nerm


    Ok so if everything gets a 192.168.0.x address dynamically how did the switch end up with a 192.168.1.x address? You have a device on one network ( that has no way to communicate with another network ( The "gateway" device would have to have a route setup so that the traffic from the two networks can communicate. If you were to plug a laptop into the switch with the network already manually configured on it I bet you would be able to access and manage the switch from it. As it stands you basically have an invalid network configuration.

    Okay, that makes sense. 

    I really have no clue how it ended up with that IP, as i said as far as i know the gateway serves as a DHCP server as well. So all that said, if it is on a different subnetwork, how does it manage to serve connection to the computers attached to it?

    Thanks for your help Nerm, i will try your suggestion when i get home.


    Because it is acting as a switch it is still passing layer 2 traffic so it is essentially being a bridge for the network.

  2. Ok so if everything gets a 192.168.0.x address dynamically how did the switch end up with a 192.168.1.x address? You have a device on one network ( that has no way to communicate with another network ( The "gateway" device would have to have a route setup so that the traffic from the two networks can communicate. If you were to plug a laptop into the switch with the network already manually configured on it I bet you would be able to access and manage the switch from it. As it stands you basically have an invalid network configuration.

  3. Oooooooooooooooooooooooh, ok.....First the port 25 forwarding will not work on the router when the VPN tunnel is up because that is the purpose of a VPN. A VPN is a private tunnel that traverses other networks between two end points. This means that the forwarding would have to take place at the other end point of the tunnel. I know you mentioned it is a PPTP but what is it tunneling to? Is it tunneling to another office/home, online VPN service, etc? On another note a PPTP VPN is not an ideal choice for this setup, may I ask why you chose it?

  4. Your switch has wireless? ......Post your network config and a diagram if possible. If the router is on network and the switch is on then what network are the workstations on? Remember if you have devices in separate subnets then they would require a layer 3 device (router) to route traffic between them.

  5. There are multiple kinds of VPN's. What kind are you using and how is it configured. We would need a lot more information to be able to help. Can you post a diagram of your design? Also keep in mind that in Exchange you have to tell it what networks it can send/receive on. For example if your primary network is and your VPN network is then both of those have to be configured as allowed send/receive in Exchange.

  6. I've heard people extending there wifi signals by taking old satellite dishes and convert them into wifi dishes. Anyone here have any guides on how to do this?


    Theres a mcdonalds a block away from and it'd be cool knowing that I at least have the option to leech off their wifi when I get internet outages.


    Yes this can be done with the right equipment. The problem is that "leeching" off of someone else's wifi is illegal. Discussions of illegal activity are not allowed on this forum.

  7. If the primary use is live streaming then 100Mbps vs 1000Mbps is moot unless your incoming link is > 100Mbps. If you will be doing a lot of device to device file transfers or streaming from a local LAN media server then gigabit would certainly be recommended.

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