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Posts posted by Nerm

  1. how long does it normally take to get the DNA thingy? I also don't have the option on my signature to add the Folding banner. I am listed and showing up on the teams statistics, but that is it.



  2. I have always liked Nvidia, but both Nvidia and ATI make good cards. Right now ATI seems to have the upper hand, but Nvidia will come out with something new then Nvidia will have the upper hand again. Just the way the competetive market works.



  3. Return to Castle Wolfenstein, UT, BF1942, NFS Hot Pursuit 2, Madden, NBA Live, MVP Baseball, Soldier of Fortune. I play a lot of other games but those are my favorite. probably the best multiplayer game i've played is Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Soldier of Fortune. and of course UT is always a good multiplayer or singleplayer game. Overall favorite is UT.



  4. here is a good beginner's intro into programming onWebmonkey - Intro to programming

    also for a good beginner language i would suggest VB(Windows OS), or if you want a much more powerful programming experiance then try something like C/C++(Linux OS). It is true though that Linux is a better OS for a software developer, because it is open source and it comes with programming applications and tools such as C/C++, FORTAN, Perl, Python, etc... Why not develop on both Windows and Linux and have the best of both worlds so to speak.



  5. I am just wondering why so many people are bashing George Bush? I know he might not be the greatest president we've ever had, but his moral stands are obviously much better than the last one we had.(Mr. under the desk with an intern lol) Also, Bush is extremely knowledgable in economics. So why do so many people have such problems with him?



  6. I was going to get the console verison from the OCC section here on the site, but i wanted the screensaver and cool graphics which i heard the console didn't have lol



  7. I was fooling around with my old comp that has an AthlonXP 2500+(Barton) and found something strange. All my OCing's came out fine except one. When I set the FSB to 166 and the Multiplier to 13 it showed up as 833mhz when it should have been 2.16ghz. I found this kind of strange. Every other FSB and multiplier setting I used worked fine. and the board supports 400fsb so I can't understand why it would do this. anybody got any idea's?



  8. I personally prefer AMD from the experiance i've had the AMD's have ran a little cooler and more stable. And of course AMD's multiplier's can be unlocked and Pentium's can't so as a geek lol that kinda seals my pick haha...From what i've been hearing about the Athlon FX series from AMD, Intel had better get it's butt in gear or they are gonna be put out of business. All in all I like both chips both companies make a good chip, I guess it really just comes down to personal prefernce.



  9. Back in 2002, we put together an Overclocking FAQ based on questions and answers that were found in the forum. Before asking Overclocking related questions, please take a look at this article and see if your question can be found here.


    Additionally please Search The Forums and take a look at our Asking For Help Guidelines.





    If you have something that you would like to see added to the FAQ, please post here or email a staff member, and we'll see about getting it added. The FAQ was built based on forum member input and will be updated with forum member input. :)


    Do not use this thread for discussion, or to ask for help. Such replies will be removed.

  10. The Tiny KeyCounter (or TKC) is a simple (yet silly) little distributed computing project. Unlike the S.E.T.I.@Home and Folding@Home projects, TKC does not use the system's CPU to crunch numbers.


    What does it do? TKC is a small program (~180KB) that sits in the taskbar and counts the number of times you click your mouse, press a key on the keyboard, or scroll the mouse wheel. That's it. Nothing more to it.


    So, why participate in the TKC program? Well, the only real reason is because we want to. We all sit in front of our computer clicking and typing away, whether we are gaming, listening to music, or actually working. So, why not keep track of our clicks?


    So, why not join the OCC TKC team, and we'll see who clicks and scrolls the mouse and pounds the keyboard the most!



    To participate in the OverclockersClub TKC Team, complete the following steps:


    1- Create an account

    2- From the account management section, chose "Join a team"

    3- Search for, and select the team "OverclockersClub.com"

    4- From the account management section, download the TKC Client.

    5- Extract the TKC client to a folder somewhere on your computer (e.g. C:TKC)

    6- Run the KeyCount.exe from the folder you extracted the files to.

    7- Enter your user name and password into the client. And chose the reporting method you want (you can change this at any time)


    That's it, nothing more to it. Tiny KeyCount is now off and tracking your clicks, scrolls, and presses. You may want to add TKC to your startup folder so that TKC starts when you log in.



    Q: Can I run TKC and F@H/S@H at the same time?

    A: Yes. TKC does not use the CPU like F@H/S@H does, and will not interfere with those programs.


    Q: Can I join the TKC and F@H and/or S@H teams?

    A: Yes. You can join any or all of our teams. Matter of fact, we'd love to have you on all of our teams! At least the F@H and TKC teams if nothing else.


    Q: Does the TKC team have a forum/icon like F@H/S@H?

    A: Currently no. This may change in the future, but as of right now it does not.


    Q: Does the TKC have a Mac/Linux/BSD/etc client?

    A: Currently no. Windows is the only thing right now. Doubt that will ever change too.


    Q: Can I use a macro program to record keystrokes and play it overnight?

    A: No. This is cheating and you will more than likely get yourself banned from the project, not to mention this site.

  11. Recently there has been a growing problem in the Forums, News Comments, and Chat that shouldn't need to be, but apparently needs to be addressed.


    OverclockersClub has prided ourselves on taking in new people, and offering help to everyone from the newest of newbs to the highest experts, however recently the level of help provided had dropped. This isn't to say that people aren't providing help, but often someone will have to read through several messages that are irrelevant, useless, or off topic.


    The off topic post are less bothersome, as usually a post doesn't go off topic till after the initial question has been answered. In situations where a post goes off topic before the question is answered the OCC staff will usually try and clean up the thread (we aren't always able to get everything though). If a comment someone makes takes you onto a discussion that is different from the original post/topic, it would be best if you created a new thread to talk about the new topic, this leaves the original thread of discussion of only what it was originally intended for.


    One of the main problems that we are having usually starts when someone will ask about ATI, nVidia, Intel, or AMD. The thread will start out something like, "Which of these Intel boards are best?" and the next several replies will be "Intel sucks", "I don't use Intel", or something similar. Everyone has their own opinion on these 4 companies, and you are entitled to your own opinion, but if someone is asking for information on an Intel board and you don't like Intel, keep it to yourself. There was a post not to long ago where someone was asking for opinions on 4 different motherboards, the thread had 2 pages worth of replies to it, out of which only 2 post were of any use to the person asking the question. This is uncalled for and unhelpful.


    To allow everyone to express their opinions on "AMD vs Intel" and "ATi vs nVidia" two separate threads will be created. In the CPU forum there will be a pinned topic for "AMD vs Intel" and in the Video forum there will be a pinned topic to discuss "ATi vs nVidia". These two threads will be the only ones allowed for such discussions. Future topic related to this will be deleted. Hopefully, this will cut down on the number of repetitive threads, and thread hijacking.


    Topics comparing two (or more) processors or video cards, such as "What's better 9800 XT or FX 5750", are still welcome in their own thread. The new, pinned threads will be more for why you like one over the other.


    The last issue that we have been having is more of an "attitude" issue with some members. There have been a growing number of instances where people are flaming (bashing, name calling, etc) other members. This may be allowed at other sites/forums, but it will not be tolerated here ? This is why it was put in the rules. In the past several months, user attitude has caused us to suspend several members' accounts. While we regret having to ban anyone, we will not tolerate abusive actions.


    We want to keep OverclockersClub a friendly and informative place, but we need help from everyone to make that happen.




    Overclockers Club Staff

  12. Since the topics usually come up once a month (if not more often) we have decided to post a pinned thread to discuss "ATi vs. nVidia".


    This thread will be heavily watched, and the forums rules will be strictly enforced for this thread.


    So, if you would like to discuss why you like nVidia, ATi, or even another manufacturer, feel free to talk about it here. Messages that contain flames, bashing, personal attacks, or anything else that violates the OCC Rules will be deleted.


    Please see the Notice to Members and OverclockersClub Rules before posting to this thread.

  13. Since the topics usually come up once a month (if not more often) we have decided to post a pinned thread to discuss "AMD vs. Intel".


    This thread will be heavily watched, and the forums rules will be strictly enforced for this thread.


    So, if you would like to discuss why you like AMD or Intel, feel free to talk about it here. Messages that contain flames, bashing, personal attacks, or anything else that violates the OCC Rules will be deleted.


    Please see the Notice to Members and OverclockersClub Rules before posting to this thread.

  14. Other thread was getting cluttered, so I'm remaking the thread and throwing in the info about the folding banner.


    The rules for getting the Alien Head (SETI@Home Team)

      1-You must join the OverclockersClub SETI Team.
      2-Your name on the forums AND on the SETI@Home team must be the exactly the same name. - It is helpful if your names do not contain any special characters or spaces.
      3-You must complete at least one work unit, you may actually finish more before you are added.
      4-Once an Admin notices you are on the team, you will be added to the SETI user group for the forums. At this time, you receive your icon. - No one else can add you, so don't ask.

    The rules for getting the DNA Strand (Folding@Home Team)

      1-You must join the OverclockersClub Folding Team.
      2-Your name on the forums AND on the Folding@Home team must be the exactly the same name. - It is helpful if your names do not contain any special characters or spaces.
      3-You must complete at least one work unit, you may actually finish more before you are added. - One WU is not the same as a step.
      4-Once or twice a week, an automatic script is run, which checks the team stats. New users who have completed at least one WU, are then automatically added to the folding forum user group. This is when you receive your icon.

    Information about the Folding@Home Banner:

      1-Once you have been entered into the folding@home forum user group, you will have the ability to add the folding@home banner to your signature.
      2-To add the banner to your signature, go to the OCC Folding Page. Choose the banner you want to use (the banners will be listed towards the bottom of the page). Copy and paste the banner code from the "banner code" box to your "Edit Signature" box in your control panel. Change the default name in the code to the name you use for Folding@Home and then click "Update my Signature".
      3-If you are removed from the team due to inactivity (or any other reason), the banner will no longer show up in your signature.

    To maintain your status on the team, that is to keep your icon, there is one simple rule:

    Continue to do WUs for the team. If a week goes by and you haven't completed a WU, you will be removed from the team user group in the forums, and thus lose your icon and/or folding image.




    Q: I was removed from the team, because I hadn't done any WUs, can I rejoin?

    A: Yes. Just start doing WUs again.


    Q: Can I join all of the teams?

    A: Yes.


    Q: I paste the html code from this page into my signature, but the folding banner doesn't show up, only the code.

    A: The most likely cause is one of two things. The banner causes your sig to violate one of the sig rules by making your sig to big or cause it to have too many images. The other possibility is that you did not copy and paste the code correctly. Double check the steps above to make sure you didn't miss anything.


    Q: Does OCC perticipate in the DistributedFolding.org project?

    A: No. OCC perticipates in the Stanford Folding@Home project, NOT the DistributedFolding.org project. These are two separate projects.


    Q: Does the TKC team have an icon/forum?

    A: Currently, no.



    Topic updated: 05/23/07

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