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Everything posted by polabear

  1. no problem! ....If you have about $4000 lying around you don't mind parting with?
  2. Hey Guys, I'm all about the artistic (or possibly autistic) side of making a screaming fast computer look good too! I can do light scenes in mine! It's a good idea to do some cable covers of some kind and possibly modding to UV connectors and such. I use 2 cold cathode UV lights, one 3 led red, one 3 led blue, one 3 led green and six 80mm case fans that can either have all lights off or individually controlled to have red, blue or green leds on. The Cold cathodes are from Logisys and the 3 color changeable fans come from Bluegears. I don't remember who makes the 3 led laser lights but I got them from CrazyPC.com, a good source for lighting mods and led fans. Each fan had it's own 4 position sliding switch mounted to a back case slot cover. Instead of covering up all the slot covers in the back of my Lian-LI, I decided to mod one of the left over 5" bay covers by measuring, drilling and filing 6 rectangular switch holes, cutting off the ends of the cover plates so that the switches are mounted vertically behind the bay cover and the width of the slot covers serves to space the switches apart with room to spare! I hot glued the metal slot pieces to the back of the cover and attached the switches with the provided screws. I now can control the color of each of the 6 fans in my case. I used a Lian-Li Rheubus 4 channel controller to adjust fan speeds for the 4 rear fans. The 2 front fans are controlled by the stock Lian-Li 3 position switch on the front of the case under the cover. I made a 4 toggle light switch cover to turn the three 3 color laser leds to half power (green light)/full power (red light) or off (no light). These switches were easier to do since they were round and came with a plexiglass template. The 4th swich is used to turn the cold cathode lights on or off. They say a picture is worth a thousand words... so here ya go: (It shines more light color at night!)(I threw in the pix of the 3 color gaming keyboard by Ideazon Merc Stealth and the Razer Copperhead 2000 DPI mouse for good measure!) Let me know what ya think!
  3. I've been using the ABS Tagan BZ1100 modular in my new build. It seems to work great, runs cool, looks cool and comes with lots of accessories. What do you think? B:)
  4. polabear


  5. Check your MB manual for where the front panel plugs go on whick pins. The manual will have the pin out that shows the positive and negative pins. If you don't have the manual, go online and find the manufacturer to download the manual. The wire from the front panel will be different colors with a common color (either red or black) which will be the ground (usually marked on the connectors also). Trace the wires to where they go if they don't tell you what they are for. You may have to get an adaptor to create the proper plug for your video card. You may want to check your power supply to see if it is compatible. As for the grease, you have to face north and spread it from east to west! Just kidding! It doesn't matter usually just put a small dab on the processor and let the heatsink spread it when you mount the cooler. You could also use a credit card or plastic spreader to apply a thin even coating. Hope this helps you!
  6. I agree. See my reply to Nuclear as to why. As far as smoking...maybe I need to start!
  7. Thanks Nuclear. I bought the 2 x 1 gig sticks @380.00 when the ram first came out for the Asus Maximus Extreme ddr3. I thought I would be running XP 32 bit but decided to jump into Vista 64 with both feet and had read that 4 gig was better for gaming so I bought 2 x 2 gig sticks of 1600 xms. Over a few months,I couldn't sell the 1800 Dominator ram even though I went down in price to $260.00 on Ebay so I thought I would try adding it to my other ram for a total of 6 gig which I am using now. I wasn't going to give the ram away! I was just playing COD WAW on it with all default settings without a hitch! My timings got looser but hey, the end result is smooth game play that looks good on my 22" Samsung @1680 x 1050 res. and I was able to use the ram. I haven't even begun to play with any OCing yet. As usual, I'm learning by doing the hard way! I bought the processor back when it first hit New Egg at the $200.00+ price so I bought it. I7 proc. next time with 3 channel board with the bugs worked out. I always have 2 computers. One for business and one for play. My gallery pix show the old one which is a 3.06 P4 with 2 gig Mushkin ram and an MSI 865PE Neo2 MB, ATI 9800 All in Wonder, 320 gig WD HDD, 2 Lite on DVD burners, Soundblaster Audigy 2 Platinum, Lian Li case that has served me well for 6 or 7 years and runs as fast or faster than a lot of the new computers I've seen but it's getting long in the tooth now. I was in the hospital a lot this year. I only worked 5 months out of twelve and am permanently disabled now. That's why my new one took so long to build. I bought all the parts before I went in the hospital. I'm happy with it even though technology has marched on as it always does. I like doing the mods for the artistic side of me and with this one I can learn some things about overclocking. Thank you for your kind defense. Sorry to ramble so much.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. I would like to use all of it since I have so much money in it. it's running rock solid right now with all 6 gig and I haven't started to tweek it yet. Just out of curiosity... why do you think my computer is the weirdest ever?
  9. THANKS FOR THE REPLY AND THE ADVICE KINGFISHER!I figured that was probably the thing to do for overclocking. Have a good one!
  10. Hello All! OC Newbie here! I have my new rig up and running finally with the system that's in my signature. Bios update to 1202 and raid 0 done with Vista 64 installed. I used 2 sticks of Corsair ddr3 XMS1600 (4 gig) of ram on the first channel with timings at 7-7-7-7-7-20? I then added 2 sticks of Corsair dominator ddr 3 1800 (2 gig) on channel 2 but the timings got loose at Primary: 8-9-9-25-5-74-10-5 Secondary: 9-5-5-4-7-4-7. Question is: Should I stick with just the first 4 gig of ram to get better performance? I did notice a decrease in CPU usage and of course a lot more headroom on ram usage. Anybody have an opinion or tips to make this better? I have everything on auto right now and I would like to use all the ram unless it will cost me a performance hit when I play COD WAW and such. Also, I've read that a voltage increase may be needed when running 4 sticks. What voltage should I try? Any advice would be appreciated!
  11. Hey, great job on providing so much useful info! Is there a reason that the ABS Tagan series of power supplies aren't included. I wanted to know because I have an 1100W and very expensive one which is supposed to be over 80% efficient and modular. I'm installing it in my new rig. What do you think? Thanks
  12. Thank you for the reply! The timings and voltages should be compatible I think. I'm not going crazy with the overclocking but it would be nice to play with it to see what I can get out of the system with stable settings. I'm new to the overclocking stuff but I'm always up for a challenge! What do you think about my new system overall? Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks
  13. polabear

    Jack's Stuff

    Computers, Recording Gear and More!
  14. When I started collecting new parts for my new build I bought 2 gigs of Corsair Dominator 1800 DDR3 memory for $380.00 new. I was going to run XP home but bought Vista Ultimate and wanted to run 64 bit with 4 gig of ram so I tried to sell the Dominator memory with the fans for 2 months to no avail. (even though I dropped the price from $380.00 plus shipping to $260.00 with free shipping!) I don't want to give it away and I can use the fans on my air cooled system so I'm thinking of running both sets of Ram for a total of 6 gigs. I probably will overclock some, maybe to 1600. Any thoughts or issues come to mind from you guys? I would appreciate any suggestions. The new system is in my signature. Thanks!
  15. Hello all, Thanks for all the comments, links and suggestions! I will probably go ahead with the AS Ceramique as I have it already and need to go on with this build. I will post my results on this new gaming machine I'm building. I will be doing some new things with this build such as raid 0 and sata devices. I will come back here for suggestions and help. Thanks again.
  16. Hello all, I'm curious as to which thermal solution is best for heat transfer on the CPU. Artic Silver 5 or Ceramique? Suggestions?
  17. polabear

    VADER 001mod.jpg

    From the album: VADER

    Lian-Li PC70B Full Tower Case with Custom Window, ABS Tagan BZ1100 Modular PSU, Asus Maximus Extreme MB, Supreme FX Sound Card, Q9300 CPU, Cooler Master V8 Cooler, 6gig Corsair DDR3 1600 Ram with Fans, Asus 3870x2 Video, 2x WD 640 gig HDDs in Raid 0, 2x Lite On 20x DVD Burners, Imation LS120 Superdisk Drive, UV Green Modded Cable Sleeving/Connectors/Round Csbles, Ideazon Merc Stealth gaming Keyboard, Razer Copperhead Gaming Mouse, Samsung 22" Monitor and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (I'm lieing about the sandwich!)
  18. polabear

    VADER 009mod.jpg

    From the album: VADER

  19. polabear

    VADER 008mod.jpg

    From the album: VADER

  20. polabear

    VADER 007mod.jpg

    From the album: VADER

  21. polabear

    VADER 006mod.jpg

    From the album: VADER

  22. polabear

    VADER 005mod.jpg

    From the album: VADER

  23. polabear

    VADER 004mod.jpg

    From the album: VADER

  24. polabear

    VADER 001mod.jpg

    From the album: VADER

  25. polabear

    VADER 003mod.jpg

    From the album: VADER

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