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  1. PM Box cleared... BTW... I'm on a budget. $15 a card max, and less for the ollldd cards like tnt2's.
  2. Anything from TNT2 and Rage256 to Geforce 4 and Radeon 9000.
  3. Yeah, my camera isnt that great... here:
  4. Here's what I have so far. I got this a few days ago, and have been working on it like crazy. Bending these copper pipes scares the heck out of me, one false move and its a dead A/C. So far I've done so good, and I think I'm done bending. I've tested it and it can chill water to -30C. Anyways, here are some pics, without the cooler of water. Now all I need is a pump, a block, and a good, cheap method to prevent condensation. I got this A/C for 30 bucks off of some college kid who was moving out of his apartment. So far I've spent $31.80 on my watercooling. BTW, this thing is loud as hell. As loud if not louder than a vacuum.
  5. Same thing happening to me, let me know if you can fix it. Also, my bios take about 30 seconds of blackness before it boots while its "recognising" (I assume) the card.
  6. Thanks guys... I'm losing now though...
  7. http://forums.techpowerup.com/showthread.php?t=8033 Final voting... :drool: BTW I'm #5. Can't believe I made it to the final round! :nod:
  8. I'm gonna try this out if I ever get one of these boards again.
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