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Posts posted by sVperbeast2k5

  1. Joined the Marine Corps instead of finishing college. Now I have to start over on Aug 15th.


    But I do have a CAR.



    Finishing college (USNA) instead of joining the Navy...


    Still questioning that one...


    But the dumbest computer thing has to be plugging in the Molex connector to a HDD upside-down... while the system was powered up...

    Nothing exciting, but I lost the drive and wrecked the psu :-p

    Felt pretty dumb after that!

  2. TKC + F@H = 24/7 Habitual Stat Checking!


    Ain't it the truth?!! :D

    You probably gain quite a few clicks just from constantly checking out your own scores and stats! ;)



    BTW: Welcome to the team!

  3. Personally, I'd rather vote for someone with their at least a little conviction, and that's definatly not something I see in Kerry/Edwards. The president may have been wrong in invading Iraq, but at least he made a decision about it. Regardless of whatever underhanded buisness he may do, he still is the only candidate with the balls that it takes to lead a country. ^_^

  4. Only at night...


    With the other 2 computers constantly running in my 10' x 12' room and no A/C, the room temp becomes a real prob!


    ...and the way I see it, if i'm pushing an extra .25 volts through my cpu for the OC, losing a few days or so to turning it on and off won't b noticed...

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