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Everything posted by daniel

  1. i cant make polls in the vid card section.... and as for teh 4870 thats my only choice for the 300 bucks category... so depending on my budget i will choose a vid card.
  2. well im planning on getting a new system this summer and my biggest doubt is the vid card, any feedback is appreciated.
  3. i have a small question.. is it possible to create polls now days? i remember that some time ago i could, but now i just cant figure out how... any help is appreciated.
  4. also i dont plan on OCing at all...
  5. but wouldnt it b good to have a motherboard which is PCI 2.0 capable?? just for future upgradabiltiy????
  6. as for the SLI i just got a Sli board, thinking for future upgradability, which MOBO should i switch it for??? and the rig will b primarily for gaming, and design will b just a thing aside.. nothing major....meaning that i would like to get the highest performance possible while running games.
  7. Well im going to university this summer, and well in about a month i will b ordering the computer, so this is what i have planned up to the moment. THis build will b primarily for gaming, and running design applications. https://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWi...WishListTitle=U any comments and help is appreciated...
  8. hmm one question those would only work assuming that both outlets are on the same circuit right??? and also do they sell them with regular outlets?
  9. im not in the US... im in south america....
  10. tin foil wont do it.. its a 5000ft^2 house and each wall is made of thick brick layers...
  11. any recommendation on brand and model? im looking for anything that will give me a good range no more than 200 bucks... but a cheaper one will b better
  12. Well i currently own a dlink DGL-4500 router but due to the fact that walls here are brick the signal reaches only half of the house... i want to extend the signal to teh whole house without the use of any cable... is there any way to do this??? if so which product would you recommend.. thx dan
  13. nope.. the RWIN didnt fix it... i still need to refresh like 5 times every time i want to open a website i just installed safari... and safari named the error... - kCFErrorDomainWinSock:10055 also each time i log off and on, the problem fixes and speeds go back to normal.
  14. well i just fixed it.. my TCP Receive window (RWIN) was set at 7200... i followed a guide and i set it to 63200... everything is working fine now.
  15. I tried changing cable and port, and there was no change... but i did notice that my upload speed is normal as the one that my ISP states... but the download speed is about 1/3 of what the other computers get...
  16. hard wired,gonna try diffrent cable and port.... dont really have another network card.
  17. Well i have a Windowx XP pro computer, a 2mbps connection which if i test in any computer it goes to about 1800kbps... here it barely reaches 800kbps... also websites take a while to load, someitmes i must hit refrest various times in order for them to open.... this has been happening for a while now i thought it was my ISP but internet works normal in any other computer... this happens in every browser i use... any help is appreciated thx
  18. Here is a screenshot of the WD diagnostics... it has a failure... might that be my problem???
  19. well i might not be the best one to answer.... but it depends if the nvidia vid card is the 8800gts (g92) 512mb or the 8800gts 320 or 640mb.... I saw the OCC vid card of the year and the 3870 is said to be better than teh 640mb GTS, but in the comments people say that teh 512mb GTS is better
  20. i have had this copy of windows running for about a year already.... Is there any good harddrive check utility??? and which is a good antivirus???
  21. I got windows XP media center edition 2005 Intel P4 3.4 2 gig od ddr400 ram 200gb WD and 300gb WD Intel PBZmobo Ati X800 pro Creative sound blaster audigy2... I havent done a defrag in a while.....
  22. Well it has been a while since i turned off my compter, and i did so yesterday. Today i went to turn it on, it goes past the windows loading screen as normal, but then the screen turns black, for aobut 5-10 min, then my background loads, and after some other 5 minutes the explorer bar finally loads, and some of the startup programs dont load. I tried going into safemode, but it stoped at agp440.sys i didnt wait more than 4 min, but it didnt go through... any help is appreacited.. thx, dan
  23. a friend owns this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16826106392 i have heard it, played with them, and i could locate every enemy nearby, awesome sound quality
  24. Yeah im really sorry i supposed that as i saw the get a free ipod, and stuff which are a type of pyramid.... and i also remember seeing here the surf junky (which was the scam) i supposed that i could post this... im really sorry
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