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Mbm And Voltages

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I have been thinking my PSU was not up to snuff, even though it is a good one and new.


MBM had been reporting the voltages, some as way off. I now know this is not MBM's fault. BIOS readings are off also, so you can't always trust your BIOS because it reads off the sensors on the motherboard, just like MBM does. The fault is to be laid on the sensors, or the manufacturers implementation of them, go to the provided link for a detailed explanation.


I took readings with my Fluke multimeter and was surprised, or maybe not so much, that my voltages are well within spec.


I went to the creators of MBM to find out how to compensate for voltages being off. HERE is the result. You can actually modify the voltage.ini file to tweak MBM until it reads like your multimeter does. :P


Just wanted to share as many people think MBM is the bible, or any other program. No matter what program you use, it is only as accurrate as the sensors, unless you tweak it.

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