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This is eerily similar to when the Financial Accounting Standards Board tried to change the way businesses accounted for income taxes back in the 80's. Before then, it was as simple as drafting the income statement, figuring your marginal tax rate, and then debiting the expense and crediting cash. Painless. FASB changed the process to a point where it was so complicated to compute income taxes, companies like IBM had to hire 20 accountants whose sole purpose was to continuously account for income throughout the year, and calculate income tax expense at the end.


Granted, not every company is the size of IBM, but then again most small businesses can't even afford ONE person whose sole job is to calculate income taxes. After delaying the implementatin of this new procedure for two years, FASB finally simplified the process and businesses now use it. It's still more complex than what they had previously done, but it wasn't a process that would kill businesses like the proposed one. Keep in mind all of this hooplah was to calculate just a couple of lines on the income statement and balance sheet... talk about inefficient.


Forcing e-tailers to charge state and local taxes of all sorts, regardless of where they set up shop, is going to be costly and inefficient, I believe. Not only will the prices of goods go up due to buyers paying taxes, but the shelf prices of goods will increase due to the extra cost on behalf of the e-tailer to keep up with such a complex system.


But wait... raising the prices of online goods will persuade people instead to buy from brick and mortar stores, which will still increase state tax revenues and keep brick and mortar outlets in business... and who has been pushing the hardest for the implementation of an internet sales tax? The National Governors Association! Conspiracy? You decide...


I'm against an internet sales tax, other than those taxes placed on goods purchased in the same state, because it is placing a tax on a thing and a place that the state and local governments have no jurisdiction over. If a private citizen in Philadelphia wants to buy a product from a business in Baton Rouge, what interest does the state have in this transaction? None.


It's a pathetic excuse to increase your taxes, and to, once again, engineer society to artificially keep local stores in business at the expense of efficiency, and keep politicians in power on election day.


When businesses spend more than they bring in, they can't just raise prices, they have to streamline, cut spending, become more efficient. Government, on the other hand, if they spend more than they make, they can simply raise prices (taxes). If Best Buy suddenly jacked TV prices up $150, y'all wouldn't shop there anymore. When the state wants to jack prices $150, y'all are all for it. Why the double standard?


When you step back and really think about it... It's nothing more than a state government bailout, and a brick and mortar subsidy masked with fluffy words like "patriotism" and "fairness." Welfare state? You decide.

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meh. This isn't near as important as what he's gonna do with the troop withdrawal. Theres no way in hell his 16 month pullout is gonna happen. Once he gets access, if he doesn't already, to real Intel we'll see what happens. Everyone, other countries included, will be paying close attention to what he does. Hopefully he doesn't screw it up.

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meh. This isn't near as important as what he's gonna do with the troop withdrawal. Theres no way in hell his 16 month pullout is gonna happen. Once he gets access, if he doesn't already, to real Intel we'll see what happens. Everyone, other countries included, will be paying close attention to what he does. Hopefully he doesn't screw it up.


I think Obama is going to be a lot more cautious when it comes to withdrawing from the middle east. I don't see him acting hastily in those matters. What concerns me is congress... they are stupid. If anything bad happens over there, I am willing to bet a buffalo nickel it will be due to pressure from congress to (insert pre-mature action here) before it was time.

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While I find this whole topic absurdly amusing, Mr Obama will be very cautious as to what he does over in the Middle East, as America has an age-old habit of doing everything it can not to upset Israel ... and with its neighbours all quite unhappy, Israel needs all the friends it can get. Don't be surprised if troops stay out there a bit longer.

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Well someone has to stand behind Israel, their own mother (the UN) threw them to the curb like a bastard child.


"Step aside, Muslims... OK, Jews, here's your plot of land... GOOD LUCK KTHXBYE!"


Why feel obliged? Your quote there pretty much sums up why you shouldn't :lol:

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