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upgrade ideas

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im considering upgrading from an abit ic7-g max2 to a dfi nf4 ultra-d and just wondering if there is anything special i should know about this mobo. the ram i have is corsair xms TwinX1024-3200C2PT v1.4 tccd. also im also considering getting a dual core chip as well.

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you'll need to read the stickies and then read the power supply guide in my sig


if you dont have all the right equipment, and aren't willing to read read read read read read read read read then this is not the board for you.


it is not an out-of-the-box board...it is an overclocker's dream board, but like any overclocker's dream, it does not like AUTO much, and requires you spending a lot of time researching, reading, and tweaking it to get the most out of it.

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