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SLI-DR stops at VGA detected phase, but does have video

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I am going to put the system specs here, because I do not have all my permanent parts yet. I kinda threw this together to test the video card I bought used on Anandtech. The pertinent facts:



3000+ Venice

2x512MB OCZ Value VX Winbond

Antec Smartpower 400W (temp item)


Hitachi 80GB HDD(temp item)

Pioneer DVR-109(temp item)


I have verified power is plugged into all 4 locations. I have tried using the safe boot and CMOS resets.


When the machine boots I watch the status LED's on the motherboard and they all go out right to left except for the last one, which is described as VGA detect. The monitor does come on however, but is stuck at the DFI splash screen.


All other items are brand new except for the BFG which was purchased used on the Anandtech forums from an individual with a very high reputation. I doubt that it is the problem, but I thought I had better see what the experts think. Unfortunately I do not have another PCI-E motherboard to test the card in currently.


Anyone have any suggestions?



Brian Taylor

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OK, I performed the full BIOS reset procedure (this time it sat for about 30 min) andtried an old Diamond Stealth 64 PCI card I had laying around. The result is the same, left-most diagnostic light stays on and monitor stuck at splash screen.


Brian Taylor

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I tried again over lunch break today with same results. Anyone have any ideas? If I can't come up with something by tomorrow I guess I will just send it back to Newegg. But then I have to decide if I want to take the 15% hit and switch to another motherboard.


Brian Taylor

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Well, a bit more fiddling and I've got it booting. The cause of the problem was that I had the DVD-RW plugged into IDE1, but I did not have the power plugged into it. I've done that before and never had it stop the entire boot process, but all is well that ends well and I am at least in now.


I am sure there will be more questions to come.


Brian Taylor

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