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I wrote my first review - GeForce 6800


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Would any of you guys care to critique it?


I understand this isn't a geforce 7800gtx and that there are tons of reviews on this card available already, but I did it mainly for the experience, which I'm happy to say I enjoyed tremendously.


Anyway, I sure hope it's detailed enough. lol :D





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Guest Shibby

I'm not techie enough to comment much on the actual meat of the review, but I do many presentations for my job, so just one comment. If you're going to use Excel for your graphs, change your figures a bit to make them more visually appealing.


Essentially, take out the grey background and all of the extra lines/boxes. By boxes I mean the one surrounding the whole figure, and the one surrounding the legend. Within the graph itself, get rid of the grey background and the horizontal lines that are at every 10%. Finally, get rid of the left and upper lines of the box surrounding the graph (the grey lines). All of this stuff can be done within excel, and once you learn how to do it, takes about 30 seconds/graph to reformat.


This makes it look much cleaner. Leaving excel graphs 'as is' is a constant critique for people new to presentations.


Otherwise, way to take initiative! Good stuff.


EDIT: Also, vertical bar graphs are generally preferred over horizontal, but if you like it that way, its not a huge deal.

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Very nice man! Couple things one Visual as stated and give a nice cenerfold pic of that card it is a real looker.

Might want to spend some time stating the diffrence between the 6800 and the 6800GT 7800 etc I can never rember this.


VERY good use of the data you got. That is exatly the kind of thing I am looking for when I read a review.




OK for the bad I could notice your run on sentince and your use of words on the first page is a little flowery and I suspect not entirly correct from a grammarians eye. Selling the card might be a diffrnet story though all holds are off there except to appear reasonable. If you hae read my posts you know just how bad my english is so..........



Looks better than most review sites that I have seen so hats off to you. If you are thinking of making this some kind of carreier rember it is good to follow the leads of sucess but you dont have to be limited by them either.


If you have time you might want to try and get some other people to send you goods to test you are already worlds better than toms. I sould say the post papts(sp) toms they were a great read at one point before they had some staff loss.

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Put down the $20 word and step away slowly, no one will harm you if you just set it down and walk away, I repeat no one wil


Defenestration Castration Masturbation Solliloque!!!!


OhhhHHhhowwhhhhohhhhhhh . ya got me


Someone call an ambulance and get me a dictionary


I'll need a rabi a priest a monk a midget on a pogo stick and a taco, while your at it get me a thesauras to stop this bleeding



So I know your thinkin, did I fire off 47 syllables or only 35, well you gotta ask yourself one thing, do ya feel luck punk?


Well do ya?



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Thanks Shibby for your suggestions.


I am not good at making color schemes, so I deicded to just leave the graphs at their default colors.


Smoken Joe,


thanks for the kind remarks. I really appreciate it! Also, you are right, I should have put a centerfold picture and did some side-by-side comparisons of the card's specifications against the other GeForce 6 cards.


Thank you all once again for your time.

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For anyone having trouble like i did :shake:


Ameliorate: To make better, to improve


Disconcerted: Looked at each other dumbly, thrown into confusion


Superfluous: Unnecessary, useless, excessive


Befuddling: To confuse, perplex


Equipoise: Balance, balancing force, equilibrium




P.S. Hey torrey you got some hotties on your MySpace page... Keep up the good work soldier :nod:

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Off Topic: There can be confusion when using expanded vocabulary during a review. I always follow by K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Stupid as it keeps me out of trouble. Unless, of course, I am at a formal social event where people are judged by not only the words they use, but the context of the statement they are attempting to communicate. As always, if you don't know the definition of the word you are using, it is better for it not to be said than to say it and look ignorant for doing so. Vocabulary comprehension - such a formidable beast yet looked upon as a sign of intelligence and cause for elevation in the modern world, once it has been conquered. ;)


On Topic: I thought the review was done quite well. I believe there could have another card in the same class put side by side for comparison purposes though that could have drawbacks in the public eye. Especially if the comparison card out-performs the subject being reviewed.


IMO the graphs are more than acceptable as they are (considerations taken for a first review attempt); though not as consistantly displayed throughout the review as they could have been (i.e. missing framerate/resolution markers on the Counter Strike: Source Video Stress Test). Never-the-less, they displayed the information in one of the easy to read 'simple' formats presently available at a glance.


There are several review sites who overlook the fact that many people are not as patient (such as I am) or have the time to sit and decipher presented information. They want it displayed in such a way that gives them the facts without having to delve into graphical deciphering. You have accomplished this simplicity quite well. It may not be up to corporate levels, it clearly states the facts pertaining to said card.

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Thanks Shibby for your suggestions.


I am not good at making color schemes, so I deicded to just leave the graphs at their default colors.


Smoken Joe,


thanks for the kind remarks. I really appreciate it! Also, you are right, I should have put a centerfold picture and did some side-by-side comparisons of the card's specifications against the other GeForce 6 cards.


Thank you all once again for your time.



That is exatly what I was thinking about :) Very good.


If you had a professonal camera I might suggest you highlight the copper on the card but like I said that would be using specal lighting not somthing needed for a normal review( yes that is bing picky but liioks like you wnat it done very well)



The target market loves copper even if that design is less effecent than a normal one people would want it.



Question if it is the same memory why is it slower and can you adjust the timings so it does go faster?

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