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no boot

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just bought the dfi nf4 sli-d.


plugged a 3200+ venice, xfx 6600gt, 1gb pc4000 ocz vx in, all hyad been working flawlessly in previous motherboard but the moment i powered up, i got three red lights which i found out meant that the system had detected cpu but it just hangs on this for ages and the screen poweres on for a second, nothing comes up, and then powers off.


HELP PLEASE :rolleyes: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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I have the same problem. My problem is that the computer will not boot and wont even get to post. It freezes with 3 Red Lights (out of four) lit up on the Motherboard. It quickly goes from 4 to 3, but will not go any further. I have a new Chaintech 6600 GT video card plugged in and a new 3000+ Venice core as the CPU. I tried disassembling everything, unplugging everything, clearing the cmos, power cycling. What do you suggest that I do. Do you think the video card is faulty? Could it also be something else?

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just drawing at straws here, but since he already mentioned making sure the 4 power connections are plugged in or not, would the jumpers on the SLI selector cause it not to boot if its one card and setup for 2 cards? this is acutally a FYI as Im curious about that anyhow, but if its setup for SLI and you have one card, you might want to make sure its setup for one card instead


also make sure your RAM and everything else is properly seated, and especially your HSF, if its just turning right off might be its overheating right away? anyhow just throwing some ideas out there that I would start double checking on if it were me



NEED A MOD to Move this PLEASE

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thanks for replying


fan and heatsink are seated and working. the board does not shut off at all.

the mb will not beep even with the speaker jumper in the ON position.


the ram is properly seated and I tried it in different slots.

the SLI jumpers are set to single as I am only using one 6600GT


what do you mean by the "4 power connections".


any other ideas


thanks, Dima

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