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Drivers and NF4 Ultra-D

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Ok, so I'm about to build a new comp with 3700+ SD and Ultra-D and an SATA drive w/ PATA as secondary.


I've never worked with SATA drives but I've seen a friend use a boot disk for installation of Windows. I'm wondering if I will need to use a boot disk also?


Since I'm a fan of the latest/updated drivers (I prefer installing new drivers over installing old ones first and then upgrading), I like to burn myself a CD-RW filled with the latest stuff using my laptop and then once Windows loads on the comp being setup, then I can copy all the drivers over. Forceware should cover everything right? Will there be other things I need to setup for the dual ethernet and the secondary SATA controller, audio, etc??



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MARVELL network card driver.



Chipset driver + Audio driver + nVidia network card driver.



Nvidia video card driver (or do you have an ATi gfx card?)



That should be it.

If your windows XP setup CD does not have SP2 integrated to it, install SP2 first.


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I'm wondering if I will need to use a boot disk also?


No, for the NF3 and 4 chipsets, you do not need to use a floppy to install Windows on a SATA hard drive. The link in my signature has more details.


As Sharp suggested, you should integrate SP2 into your CD. Upgrading to a service pack after the OS is installed is a bad idea and it takes a long time.

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Nvidia video card driver (or do you have an ATi gfx card?)



I have a 3dfx card actually. I'm serious. Dead serious. I'm running my Voodoo 3 2000 on a brand new computer until the 7800GT is out. Bleh if only I could use my AGP card.


That should be it.

If your windows XP setup CD does not have SP2 integrated to it, install SP2 first.



Hmm there's a way to integrate SP2 right? I have an old XP disk so... yea. NLite or something?

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Hmm there's a way to integrate SP2 right? I have an old XP disk so... yea. NLite or something?




Sticky thread up top. Follow the sub link for nice directions on integration.


Put Your Specs In Your Sig.

This will help in diagnosis of problems if you encounter them.



Welcome to the forums.

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I'm running my Voodoo 3 2000 on a brand new computer until the 7800GT is out.


The 7800GTX has been on sale for weeks. I'm not sure if you meant GT or GTX though.


Hmm there's a way to integrate SP2 right?


Yep, you can either do it manually, or you can get some software to do it for you. NLite can be used to integrate drivers into your CD that can be loaded during the Windows installation, that way you won't need to use a floppy to add something like RAID drivers.

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The 7800GTX has been on sale for weeks. I'm not sure if you meant GT or GTX though.




Yep, you can either do it manually, or you can get some software to do it for you. NLite can be used to integrate drivers into your CD that can be loaded during the Windows installation, that way you won't need to use a floppy to add something like RAID drivers.


Thank you!. 7800GT, not GTX. I originally planned for an X800XL, but seeing the next gen coming up closer and closer, it wuold be a waste of money to put down $300 and to get something that's about to fall off a cliff. So yes, August 11th is the big date for me when the 7800GT launches. However, if prices dont drop fast enough I might just have to grab a cheap 6800GT.

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Done, but my system isn't even half here yet. These are just pre-build questions.


I want installation to be as smooth as possible. I haven't built in 4.5 years and I remember reinstalling windows like 6 times before I got a very sexy rig up and running.

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