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I have a dfi lanparty nf4 ultra-d and i put a OCZ memory dual chanel kit (pc 3200).

When i turn the computer on and i try to install windows xp an error messange apears.

I take out one ram memory (the other i leave in chanel A in the orange slot) and i turn the computer on and i install winxp and it works perfect. I put the two ram and the error apears again. I put one memory on channel B and the computer doesn´t turn on. In channel B there is a light on. Is the motherboard broken?

how can i put the 2 RAM memorys in dual chanel?

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I'll repeat what oliveryochest said.


DEFINITELY -- Flash the BIOS up to either 510-2 or 623-2. (Make sure you only have one of those memory DIMMs in, since I think you're getting memory errors with both in. After the BIOS is updated, you should be able to run with both sticks in)


I have first hand experience of the difference the BIOS level makes. Upgrading from the 310 to 510-2 took me from instant huge amounts of memory errors in mem-test to flawless.


Also: In the BIOS, check the settings being used. Make sure you set the memory voltage up to 2.8V or 2.9V. Also locate the recommended timings for that OCZ Gold. Leaving settings on 'Auto' is not always the most stable. I"m not sure about the timings I'm using, but mine is working fine.




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