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Still get random freezes

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Well, I'm using the 6/23-3 and my pc froze this morning. I have no clu why. I am using the newest catalyst drivers and 7.13 nForce drivers. I'm not sure if this is mobo or windows or what but any help is appreciated.

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don't know if it solved the problem but it made my system slow as hell so i reinstalled the 6.53 IDE drivers but have NCQ disabled as that has caused problems for me in the past. Hopefully all will go well now.

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i still have no clue what is going on. it hasnt frozen but the hard drive seemed to be grinding earlier today, but no errors on the powermax diags from Maxtor. Could this just be the instability that I read about in the reviews of the DFI boards at HardOCP?

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My hard drive grinds a lot too, even with a permanent swapfile. I am not sure what this is symptomatic of since I kill all unneeded process and generally run a very tight, clean rig. But you're not alone.

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I just was having stuttering in WMP playing DivX files, I reinstalled the nVidia IDE drivers and the problems are gone.


Other than that can anyone please help me with my problems, please it is really frustrating me.

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