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Still get random freezes

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do like garybig suggested ... are you occt and prime95 stable? You must be at least superpi 32meg stable or you are going to have problems. And even if you are superpi stable, that's a lesser stable than occt/prime95.

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hmmm, all I could think then is

1. software - but you reinstalled os right? - only crash while some given program running?

2. periphial hardware issue (drives, usb etc)

3. video hardware/software (3dmark2001/03/05 all run ok right?)


strange …

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Yea, its really really annoying. I did a reinstall, I installed the drivers again. Everything is new and running AutoGK froze the pc. This is not the only time it freezes though, it does it randomly with other programs too. Its annoying the hell out of me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I was on vacation for 2 weeks and tried to leave my pc on, it froze after 36 hours, i know cuz i could see my AIM name from my cell. I am RMAing the board to Newegg for a new one and will see if that helps.

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Dang, sounds very similar to me. Like him i have nothing thats really competing for resources thats not running on my older AthlonXP system with an Abit board and on that i have no problems. I also noticed that Codecreatures froze at 242x11 but not 250x10 so im sure its an oc or mobo problem. When i get the new board its back to testing.

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