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NF4: SLI-DR - Suddenly Stopped posting - Help!

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Last night, I started a 20gig copy job from one drive partition to another and then went to bed.


This morning when I checked it the computer was powered off and all 3 lights on my keyboard were blinking. Now it will not power on (no life at all, no fans, nothing).

The keyboard lights just keep blinking and the power button does nothing.


All components in the system are new. It's been up and running stable for about 2 weeks (did memtest and Super Pi for days to validate).




Note: I run ALL of my computer equipment off of UPS's, so I don't imagine there were any power surges or brown outs.

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Ok. I just swapped the power supply with a different one. For a very very brief second the lights on my fan control came on but then, nothing. No life whatsoever. This was with only the memory, cpu, and video connected, nothing else. It looks like the board is broken.


Any ideas on what to do?


Should I RMA it through newegg?


If I do, I'll probably have to say goodbye to DFI and head back to ASUS. They've always worked on the first try for me.

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Did you remove the plug and battery during cmos clear, and replace the jumper before plugging back in and replacing battery? Do you have another system that you can test your psu, or any other components? Hate for you to RMA the board and go w/o the pc, only to find out this wasn't the problem.

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Yes, I followed the procedure to the T.


I also took the PSU out of a working system and tried that on the board with the same results. No life at all.


I'm going to take the board out of the tray and make sure the board isn't accidentally grounded or anything.

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hey groo, what is the 5volt standby (5vsb) amp rating of your psu - if it's 2amp or under, and you are on the j17 = 5 volt rail, let me know


p.s. something is likely over amp'ing or over volting to a point to shut your psu off on startup.


also, start unplugging everything (driver power, vid card etc), except the power to the mobo and see if it will comeup.


maybe you have a hardware failure in a drive, or something

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I Just tried it with just the video card, memory, and cpu in the board with the board out of the case (to ensure I wasn't shorting anything). I still got the same response after a cmos clear.


I have the jpr7 and jpr5 to Vsb. It was running fine.


I would doubt it's my power supply. I've tried two. One I pulled right out of a running system. It had the same effect.

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remove your video card

unplug your power supply from everything BUT the mother board

and see if the power suppy will turn on and stay on


I'm not clear on your last answer --- you running over 3.2 volts on your memory?? (jumpered to higher memory voltage)


Double check the mobo supplied power switch also

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