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NF4 will not POST after power failure

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I had a power failure yesturday at my apartment while I was at work, and when I came home, my computer was beeping (the long series of beeps, LED error stuck on 3 led's, memory error i believe)


I rebooted, same issue. Then I tried clearing the CMOS data and powering off the computer for a few min and then trying. still wont boot up, same error.


finally, I tried booting with only one stick of RAM, tried each slot, same problem. I cleared the CMOS data again, left unplugged, and will test in 2 days ( have to fly out today for a funeral).


Anyone have any ideas what other things I could check if this doesn't work? I have proper power surge protection and I did test my PSU on a different computer, and it worked just fine.


Any help or tips would be great!

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