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Problem installing Windows XP on Ultra-D

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I had the same error messages when I first set up my system too.


I found it best to load XP with a standard configuration for your CPU and memory in BIOS (no overclock) after XP is installed overclock away!

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Well, let's just start by saying that i've been browsing the forums trying to find someone with the same problem as me, and there are and i've tried thier settings to get things working, but with no luck. If you know a thread that takes up this problem, just write a link if you want.


I'm trying to install WindowsXP on my new machine, specs in sig. It all goes well until the second stage of the install, when windows is registering components. Suddenly I get BSOD with a warning message that says: "IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL", and then I have to reboot.

I'm using the BIOS settings by RGone by the way.


I have passed Memtest86+ once.

I've tried two different versions of XP so that's not it.

I've tried to install it on my SATA disk and my IDE disk with the exact same result, so that's not it.

I've tried to disconnect the floppy, but that didn't do it.


I have absolutely no problem booting.

Basically I'm trying to narrow it down to problem by changing one thing at a time each time a try to install, but no success so far.


EDIT: I can't seem to reply to my own thread, it says that an administrator has done so i can only make one reply every 30sec, but I'm not, weird!


Well, i got some progress update:

I don't get any difference with your settings, mucker.

Maybe someone with a venice cpu can help me with the settings?

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Hey json, try these out if you'd like:


Your CPU is different than mine, but the memory is similiar, TCCD on Brainpower PCB. They may be a good place to start from. Your TCCD may like lower voltage better, it has been found to error both at too high and too low of voltages. There will be a sweet spot for you that only you can determine.


BIOS Settings - 3/10


3500+ Winchester CBBID 0505


CPU Vcore 1.350 x 113%=1.47-1.49v

250 HTT x 10 = 2.50 GHz (try 200 and you default multiplier first and work it up if you can)

LDT x 3

PCIex: 105 (for ATI, Nvidia 100 or 101)

1:1 memory ratio DDR500

LDT v = 1.3

Chipset v = 1.6

Vddr: 2.8v

Command rate: 1T

Tcl: 2.5

Trcd: 3

Tras: 8

Trp: 3

Trc: 11

Trfc: 14

Trrd: 3

Twr: 3

Twtr: 2

Trtw: 3

Tref: 3072 or 3120

Twcl: 1

Bank int.: Enable


Skew control: 0, Increase

Drive strength: 7

Data strength: 4

Max. Async: 7

Read Preamble: 5ns

Idle Cycle: AUTO (16)

Dyn. Counter: disable

R/W Bypass: 16x

Bypass Max: 7x

32Bit Gran.: Disable


I've switched over to the 510-2 bios and the settings are a bit different, but the above settings were stable on 3/10.




m :)

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I actually installed Windows XP successfully now, but the computer is still very unstable and reboots spontaneous after a few minutes of benchmarking in 3DMark03. Gonna run some more memtest, then prime95 to lock down on what's wrong.

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