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SLI-DR craps out at 315HTT??

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Is this normal? I have a 3000+ Venice, running the 414-2 bios with Corsair 2x256 bh-5, with the divider set to 1/2. I set my multiplier to 5 and my HT to 2x and the 1/2 divider with the ram still at 3.1v (tested good to 265 at 3.5v, and perfectly fine of course at like 150mhz with 3.1v) and it locks up and gives an error at around the 315-320 htt mark with the newest version of clockgen. What gives? Right now im at 300x9 and everything is just fine but once i try to go higher it just flakes out. Any pointers/help would be nice?????

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Is this normal? I have a 3000+ Venice, running the 414-2 bios with Corsair 2x256 bh-5, with the divider set to 1/2. I set my multiplier to 5 and my HT to 2x and the 1/2 divider with the ram still at 3.1v (tested good to 265 at 3.5v, and perfectly fine of course at like 150mhz with 3.1v) and it locks up and gives an error at around the 315-320 htt mark with the newest version of clockgen. What gives? Right now im at 300x9 and everything is just fine but once i try to go higher it just flakes out. Any pointers/help would be nice?????


You may wish to try the newer 5-10 ioses...I had all kinds of problems running dividers on the 414 bioses....has been resolved with 510 for me.


You also may just be at the limit of your chip in terms of htt. my venice doesn't like going above 305htt no matter what multi or voltage.

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this may suck, that and i got a weak stepping/batch. What are the last 4 letters of yours? http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=62353 unfortunatly mine is a LBBLE 0516CPBW and all i can get out of it is 2.6 prime stable at like 1.66V, game stable at 2.7 at the same voltage. I can get it to prime for a few hours at 2.7 ghz but it needs 1.8v and i thought that was just too high. Temps were still fine but it shouldn't need that much voltage. Kinda pissed :/

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