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New rig, can't get 2nd memory stick to work!

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I built a brand new computer recently but I have not been able to run 2 sticks of memory. I have the OCZ Value ("VX") 2x512. Everything is fine with one stick but as soon as I shut the computer off and stick the 2nd in I get a BSOD in windows.


I've tried using rgone's suggestions in his post about memory settings and no go. I've also tried switching the memory sticks and no go. Last night I ran memtest86 2.2 (or whatever the latest is) and everything checked out fine.


I'm really at a loss as to what I should try now. Could it be the motherboard itself? Should I be having such problems getting into windows before even overclocking?

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Entirely possible to see this> ""I've tried using rgone's suggestions in his post about memory settings and no go"" as I have not had any UTT style memory to test with and that means the major part of settings I have given will not be for more tightly timed UTT style memory. There is a major difference possibly.


I suggest you go to the Ocz forums at bleedinedge and they have posted some timings and volts settings for their memory there.


Another aside is that you need to list the bios version and and all the timigns and voltages you are using in your signature "especially" as long as you are having trouble and seeking for help. Bios makes some difference and for sure voltages do. VX value may need more voltage for sure than you expect when affixed to the DFI NF4 board also.


So your are going to have to manually tweak that board up yourself or remain in dismay> I am nearly certain.




One more thought or 12. You likely need to find and flash to bios 4/14-1 or -2 and put the VX value in memory slots 1 and 3 or Yellow as it were and up the memory voltage. I would try timings of 2, 3, 2, 6 or down the bios page> 2, 3, 6, 2 and upped memory voltage to 3.0V and see how you get along. RGone...Again...

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Entirely possible to see this> ""I've tried using rgone's suggestions in his post about memory settings and no go"" as I have not had any UTT style memory to test with and that means the major part of settings I have given will not be for more tightly timed UTT style memory. There is a major difference possibly.


I suggest you go to the Ocz forums at bleedinedge and they have posted some timings and volts settings for their memory there.




Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a try when I go home. One question, perhaps stupid... how do I know what version of the BIOS I'm running? For the life of me I can't see where it shows it. I see something that says like 6.00 pg at the top but that's it. Supposedly Monarch flashed to to the latest bios when I bought this.


Also, are these memory problems a sign I'm going to have a tough time o/c when the time comes? I got a venice core so I could take it pretty far if possible.

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