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Nf3 250gb beta bios 2005/01/28

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There is a fairly new beta bios on DFI's website dated 2005/01/28 for the nf3-250gb board.


The text says it solves some corruption problem with mixed raid sets (what ever that means...im guesing raid 0+1).


I know there is a bug in the NForce3 chipset which prevents drive imaging utilities such as Norton Ghost from working correctly (corrupt images).


Does this anyone know if this beta bios solves that problem too ?


Im thinking about purchasing "Terabyte Unlimited Image for Windows" which is supposed to work with NF3 boards, but i wont spend any hard earned cash if this beta makes Ghost work. Unfortunately i cant test it myself right now since i need my computer for a web project......

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Yes i know .... i've posted some of them, and i gave up long ago...


As i wrote: There is a bug in Nf3 which prevents Ghost from working (this info comes from Acronis's website (another image utility vendor)). It may be wrong.

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I am using the 2005/01/28 beta bios and ghost 2003 without problem.


My configuration is 2x 74GB Raptors not in a raid set-up . I use a Win98SE BootCD with ghost.exe and ghost my main WinXP install and data on disk one to an image file on disk 2 for backup purposes. I have created and ghosted back approx 9GB of data many times with this motherboard. Also I have had no problem within WinXP extracting files from a ghost image.


I can confirm that ghost will not work with a raid 0 set-up unless some options are tweaked which slow the throughput significantly. Symantec state raid 0 is not supported anyway with Ghost2003/4.



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Thx for the reply, but i've already been "there"


I know that Symantec has stated that Ghost 2003 and 4 does not work with Raid-0. However i have used it for exactly that since my first Nf2 board and it has never failed me.

Im already aware of the switches you mention as i have written some post long ago about this issue ( http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread...54&page=6&pp=15 ). Ghost has to be configured to communicate with the drives via Bios calls or it wont be able to figure out the correct array size.


Another thread on this forum suggested replacing the yellow cable which came with the board....... this i did long ago, and my chipset voltage is already at 1.8V.

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if Symantec says that Ghost2003/2004 does not work with RAID-0 then it probably isn't going to work.


If you have tried all of the 'tricks' in this forum and others from those that have attempted it, and/or those that have succeeded, and it still does not work, then I would say that it is not going to work.

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a "mixed array" would be one consisting of PATA and SATA drives, if I'm not totally mistaken.... (of course if I was it wouldn't be the first, or last, time!!)


As for RAID0, I've decided that it really doesn't offer enough advantages for my "real world" computer use to offset the inherant factor of data insecurity. But don't mind me! I fully support your Right to do whatever you please with your hardware. :)

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