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My Computer is Out to Get Me

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My computer is borked. Left for school this morning at 630, had my computer on downloading a file, all was well. I got home today around 2 to find my computer still running but my monitor in standby. I turned off the computer, booted backup and nothing. The hard drive light flashes, then the DVD-Rom and finally the CD-Burner. I reset the CMOS, and then let the computer sit for 2 hours with it not plugged into the wall and the CMOS jumper in the cleared position. I tried with only one stick or RAM, and different slots, nothing. I tried taking it down to only motherboard, CPU, RAM and videocard, and I got nothing. I tried booting it without RAM to see if I would get any beep codes and I did. This leads me to believe that it probably isn't the motherboard or the RAM. I was running at a very mild overclock, and had changed nothing on the system in probably a month. Everything was running smooth and there was no hint of any problems. Any help guys would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.


EDIT - The oveclock in my sig wasn't what I have been running for the last month or so. I didn't want to run into any problems with exams coming up so I had it set at a conservative 2.1 Ghz.

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Hmm you have pretty much covered all your bases.


Do you have another RAM/video card/CPU to try? This makes it easy to eliminate these things. It's probably not a corrupt BIOS since you get a beep code with no RAM. Do you get the 1beep-3beep code if you try to boot with no video card?

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Haven't tried with no video card, though I'm starting to suspect that's what it might be. I can take the card out of my parents computer, though it's a matter of time as I'm in crunch week at school right now :S If this would have happened 2 weeks later, it wouldn't have been that big of a deal. But hell, where would the fun be in that :P

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if you know someone with another NF2 board like the DFI, or Abit NF7 etc, you can hotflash your BIOS chip. Or someone from CA might offer to help you.


or you can email me (link in my sig) and I will help you get your chip reflashed by DFI in USA.

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Well it looks like it's the video card. Tried my parents card in my computer and it booted the first time. I'm just wondering what cauesd it to die... the computer is plugged into a surge protector and we've had no brownouts or powerouts in the region in months. Really odd...

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it could be a little problem called static discharge, did you go inside your computer before that happend? i have a zapped GF4 MX440 here that works but has artifacts from he-double-hockysticks. is the card in your sig the dead one? could bios settings like agp fast writes or side band adressing cause that guys?

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No I know all about static discharge, I'm in my second year of a computer tech program and I always wear an anti-static wrist strap. But even that doesn't really matter since I hadn't gone into my computer in about 6 weeks. As for bios, fast writes is off, and I don't ever recall seeing a setting for side band addressing. But once again no bios settings had changed, this time in months.

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