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Chipset temperature question???

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Hello fellas!


First off I'd like to commend Angry Games and RGone for running such an excellent user forum. Great job guys! What an extensive amount of work you have done. It will only get better too!


Question: What is the upper end temp for the chipset on the nF4 Ultra-D? The active cooling fan can howl like a banshee when full out, but I've been able to control it through Smartguardian so that the fan runs about 3500rpm idle and not much above 4000rpm load. That range keeps the noise level under control for me. The chipset temp is staying low to mid-50's C tops.


I am running the machine stock speed and, since the build is for friends, want to make sure the chipset is going to be safe for quite a while.


m :)

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I would put the max at 55 or so. Everyone on the forum is pretty performance-oriented so 60 would probably be doable since you're not overclocking.


You might be able to either remove the fan and put arctic silver on the bottom or improve your case cooling to get the temp down. At stock with an idle computer mine sits at 41 or so, but my fan is on default settings too.


Also many people have reported that if you move your video card to the bottom slot (set the jumpers for SLI mode to make the slots both run at x8) the chipset temp goes down by a few degrees.

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Smartguardian. I figure it's going to be pretty accurate since it's made by the same people who made the monitoring chip (ITE).


I think when you're in the BIOS it puts the CPU at full load or something, I've been hearing that a lot lately, so the chipset temp is probably inflated.

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