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PCIe 16x Slot | SATA Raid 0 Performance

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HiHo all.


First question is about the PCIe Slots. Has anybody tried the second one yet? Does it work as good as with the first (upper) one?... i would be glad if i could use the second, so the NB watercooler would fit =) (the noisy 7k rpm NB fan is a payne in the ***)



Second question: How well do your SATA HDDs perform in Raid 0; compared with older NF3 chipsets?

(benches @ HDTach; because i've tested the old ones with this only...)


My old System was an MSI K8N Neo Plat. with 4IBM Hitachi 160GB @ Raid 0 and later then 4 Matrox DiamondMax10 200GB @ Raid 0.


With Hitachis @ NF3 i've got ~425MB/s Burstrate and 195MB/s avg. sequential read.

With the Matroxs @ NF3 i've got ~450MB/s Burstrate and 220MB/s avg. sequential read. (16kb Stripe Size)


Now the thingie which's driving me crazy:

on the NF4 Ultra-D i get with the same Matrox HDDs and same Stripesize etc. only about 230MB/s Burstrate and 200MB/s avg. sequential read!


that's weird^^... and really bad, because i want to use this machine as LAN-Fileserver (for bigger Files)...


i've seen, that angry_games runs 2 Hitachis with SATA2 & NCQ Support (80GB drives) on his Ultra-D, he get's about 230MB/s Burstrate, too. Even for only 2 HDDs it is quite little... (one single should be about 130-150MB/s, 2 in Raid0 ~250MB/s)....


has anybody got Burstrate > 230MB/s ?


anyway, if you have HD-Tach screens pls. link them here... thank you!



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NB watercooler? Do tell...


The second slot on an ultra-d is an x2 slot but if you move the jumpers to SLI mode (even though it's an Ultra-D) the slots go from being x16 and x2 to x8 and x8. And there's no way a vid card will fill up an x8 slot.




Macman on that forum is doing a similar thing to you but he's going passive entirely.


And if it makes you feel any better your scores are stomping on my LP-B's SiI controller, avg read and read burst are both limited to 100MB/sec with two drives.

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NB watercooler? Do tell...


The second slot on an ultra-d is an x2 slot but if you move the jumpers to SLI mode (even though it's an Ultra-D) the slots go from being x16 and x2 to x8 and x8. And there's no way a vid card will fill up an x8 slot.




Macman on that forum is doing a similar thing to you but he's going passive entirely.


cool. Wasn't so sure about that, only recognized, that it didn't work really well with Slot 2 when i did no changes to the SLI jumpers. Any fallbacks in performance?

(i do know x8 is waaaay enough; i mean the signal quality or anything like that... overclock-ability^^ etc.)


And if it makes you feel any better your scores are stomping on my LP-B's SiI controller, avg read and read burst are both limited to 100MB/sec with two drives.



no, sorry, doesn't make me feel any better, because it was better with my old Board^^. And the reason i bought this and the last board, is because, and only because!, of the super-fast integrated S-ATA Raid Controller.

Another guy has just messaged me yesterday, he has an ASUS A8N-SLI and has got good performance with it... (4xWestern Digital SATA 200GB 7200RPM, 450MB/s burstrate, 240MB/s avg. sequential read)...


so i'm looking forward to solving this problem! i really really hope i can, or i do have to sell that board. That really would drive me nuts...


anyway, going to test some different chipset drivers...

which tool does work with the NF4 Raid, so that i can make images?





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yesterday, i've tested all the HDDs seperately.


Each one has got about:


Read Burstrate: 138MB/s

Avg. sequential Read: 53.8MB/s

Access Time: 16ms


except one; this one has only 14ms Access Time. 2ms are pretty much.


And... they do not have all the same firmware!.

2 drives with one and 2 with another version.


So what should i do? Seems like the HDDs aren't phisically the same, or how would you explain the 2ms difference in access time?

AAM? Gona test that with the Hitachi Drive .... tool, soon.



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Sisoft sandra tells me that the pci-e vga card in my second slot is runnig at x16. I fitted it there last night to put a wateblock on my chipset....


I got 10100 in 3dmark 2003 with a setup that I cobbled together (I.e. I haven't installed the graphics card drivers propperly) My best with that setup was 10500 - and I also am messing with my sound cards- so I think the marginal drop is due to other changes.

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Yeah these programs that tell you what your card is running at (CPU-Z, SANDRA, Everest) seem to be all over the place lately. But really going from x16 to x8 the guy only lost a couple of 3dmarks.

3dmark05 6600GT


x16 - 3299

x8 - 3227

x2 - 2710


AAM usually results in a bigger hit in random access time I think, my maxtor 40GB went from 12ms to 17ms with AAM turned on but I like it quiet.


I don't think firmware should make such a big difference in drive speed, I mean they worked great on your nF3 so I don't know why the nF4 would be sucking it up so much.


Maybe we just need to wait on drivers from nVidia?

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yeah, but the difference(between the 'identical' drives) persists... even with new drivers.

gona try out different ports. etc.




Yeah these programs that tell you what your card is running at (CPU-Z, SANDRA, Everest) seem to be all over the place lately. But really going from x16 to x8 the guy only lost a couple of 3dmarks.

3dmark05 6600GT


x16 - 3299

x8 - 3227

x2 - 2710


AAM usually results in a bigger hit in random access time I think, my maxtor 40GB went from 12ms to 17ms with AAM turned on but I like it quiet.


I don't think firmware should make such a big difference in drive speed, I mean they worked great on your nF3 so I don't know why the nF4 would be sucking it up so much.


Maybe we just need to wait on drivers from nVidia?

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now i've tested it with:


each 2 HDDs in Raid 0 -> Performance o.k. (~230MB/s Burst, 110MB/s avg. seq.)

each 3 HDDs in Raid 0 -> Performance not Ok (~230MB/s Burst, 135MB/s avg.seq.)

4 HDDs in Raid 0 -> Performance not Ok (230MB/s Burst, 195MB/s avg.seq.)


and i've tested it each time with different Stripe size and another combination etc.etc.


so what am i supposed to do now?


i do know of other users with other NF4 Boards (p.Ex. ASUS A8N-SLI) who do not have such problems...





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Hmm which BIOSes have you tried? 2/17 has a 'newer' SATA BIOS iirc and 2/18 goes back to an 'older' one, so maybe try one if you haven't tried the other.


It's pretty clear that your Burst speed is limited to 230MB/sec much like mine is limited to 100.


Do you know of users of other nF4 Ultra boards (as opposed to nF4 SLI - the chipset is different) that have good RAID results? I was sort of theorizing a while back that the nF4 ultra and nF4 SLI might provide different overclocking results.

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The original one, the newest Beta on the DFI Site, and actually i'm using 2/18.


Thx for info, i will try out the 217 this evening.


i do not think, that there's such a big difference between SLI and Ultra chipset - we can even Mod the Ultra to the SLI...

but i could try modding mine... don't think it will improve the burstrate.


The Burstrate climbs up to 245MB/s on Quad Raid0 with Stripesize of 128KByte - but then the seq. Read is around 130MB/s (not faster at the beginning of the disk... )...



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