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PCIe 16x Slot | SATA Raid 0 Performance

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There is an extensive RAID article on the AnandTech website.


What they have found is that command queueing (NCQ or TCQ) actually slows down a RAID 0 array.


Command queueing works best in a multi-user environment, so command queueing is bad on a client PC but is good on a server PC.


If your drives support it, you can enable/disable command queueing in Device Manager under the SCSI Properties tab for the Disks category.


Hi there,


thanks for the info, but i didn't find any newer review on anadtech about Raid / NCQ. They're all at least 3 Years old, one dating from 2002 and one from 2001.


The one from 2004 (related to the Raptor HDD) isn't talking much about NCQ.


anyway... i don't know how NCQ should have a bad effect on RAID0 used in a multi-user environment?

in Single user environment it could be, if the implementation is not so good. But in pure sequential read it shouldn't reduce troughput altough it might arise latency.



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