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Memory Problems

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RGone has been helping with this problem figured I would put it on here to see what everyone else has to add. I am trying to run 3 sticks of Corsair 512MB 3200. The manual says if you are doing that you have to change the DRAM setting to 200 in the BIOS Genie. Yet when I do that and boot up Windows I get a blue screen of death everytime saying I have a hardware error. Keeps doing that until I change setting back to auto. Guess its not that big of a deal running at only 333 instead of 400, but who wants to setting for second place. Any help would be greatly appreciated, also and suggestions of tweaking the settings in BIOS up a little to get adder performance would be sweet to. Never overclocked mobo before and don't wanna fry anything. Been searching the posts but there are alot to look through. Alright dat will be it thanx yall.


Joe S

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I know RG has been in contact with you but just in case...


Have you gone through the stickies(critical) at the top of the forums?


If you have you should have done the clear CMOS routine before continuing.


Additionally, you should qualify your RAM.


Make a bootable floppy or optical disk with memtest.



Clear CMOS and load BIOS defaults.


Install one stick of RAM and boot to memtest. Run at least four passes on each stick.


Once each stick has passed. Install them in pairs for testing. If they pass in pairs install all three and test again.


It is quite possible you may have to move sticks to different slots to get all three to pass.


Once you are qualified and stable at defaults you can start tweaking assured that you can recover from any failed tweaks.


Good luck.

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I once tried running with 3 sticks at 333 and the computer is A LOT slower compared to 2 sticks with less memory at 400. I suggest you sell or trade your 2 512 sticks and get a 1G stick to pair with your remaining 512 stick. I did that before.

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Alright ran memtest got errors with three sticks. Finally talked someone at Fry's to let me take back my two 512 sticks and get 1 1Gb stick. Did that brought it home stuck it is booted up memtest and the damn mobo clocked the two sticks down to 333 instead of 400 what kind of crap butt setting is this. I changed the DRAM setting to 200 and I am in windows now with no crashes or anything weird so far but it has only been five minutes. So I suppose I will see what happends with this, but I can't believe it would clock down the two sticks when before it didn't. It's like this damn thing just dosen't want to support more than 1gb of ddr 400. I have no idea what to do, I am about to take all the memory back and just get two 512 of Kingston Hyper X 3200 and be down with the damn thing. At least till I save up to get new mobo and chip.




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Alright I think the system is fine now but as always gotta mess with it again. Fry's has the 512MB 3200 CAS 2 on sale I am going to buy three of them and see if I can clock those up to 200 without the computer crashing. Probably shouldn't but curiousity is going to get the best of me here.





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