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i already have a raid 0 array setup i wanted to add mirrored to my existing setup is this possible on this motherboard? any advice or info would be much appreciated

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I am not sure anyone wants to touch that one with a ten foot pole. You got data to lose and all that and no idea of how backed up you are and you could push the wrong switch and lose it all and on top of that nowhere but maybe at silicon image is there what I call a precise step by step process that says do a then b and the result is c for what you want to do.


Maybe a hard drive forum somewhere would be your best bet for a real life help. Because obviously you will have to create a raid 0 array to equal the size of the first raid 0 array and then make the one mirror to the other and I do not want to be responsible for any problems you may face with the SIL 3114 and now likely two loaded up drives already in an array.



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