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SATA problems over 240FSB :-(


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Hey, as the subject says basically, i can't have my 74gig raptor connected @ anything over 240FSB. I can't boot from it or have it as a 2nd HD. I have to use my PATA Maxtor if i want to go any further.


This problem is annoying as my raptor makes such a difference to mpeg2 encoding / benchmarking apps etc.




p.s. I've tried it on all 4 SATA channels.

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This is a known issue with the NF3 chipset. You must run SATA 3-4 if you want to run over 240. SATA 1-2 will not work over 240.


Edit, Ah you have tried all 4 SATA channels. That is strange as I am running over 300 on SATA 3-4 with a RAID-0 array. When on 3 or 4 did you disable 1-2 in the BIOS?

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Well here's what I did for a RAID-0 Win2K SP4 install. For RAID on SATA 3-4, you must have all SATA enabled at first. I enabled all SATA and RAID on SATA 3-4. I set up the RAID array and booted to the Win2K SP4 CD. F6 to install drivers, and when Setup was finished copying files and rebooted, I went into BIOS and disabled SATA 1-2. Rebooted and let Windows finish installation. This way SATA 1-2 were not detected and installed. I don't know if this makes a difference, but it works for me.

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