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[RESOLVED] VIDEO CARD BAD>> 4th led of dead

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Mi PC doesnt Post anything, it gets on but then black screen. A few leds get on when it tries to boot but finally one led stays on, the fourth(4th led of de dead). I hear no beep for bad hardware. Hardware componets look OK, although i havent checkt them.

I already tried clearing the Cmos with Angry_Games method. Tried setting the Bus to 100 Mhz to.


I dont know which bios i have. I dont remember having changed it. I bought my Mobo 1 year ago.


I was watching a movie when my PC got stuck, black screen and sound slowed down and cut. I restarted, and since then I get no post, nothing.


the fourth (4th) Led stands for: checking Cmos(or something like that, forgot to bring the manual:D )


Ive red some forums but havent found this problem.

*What would happen if the battery of the Lanparty went out? Would the system still Post?


*Can someone help me with this promblem? Any help or thoughts appreciated!


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thanks rangerdave, if it aint the battery... must be vid card or processor i guess. strange. just hope its not the vid card.

Ill see if i can test it tomorrow, ill write if i get the problem solved.

anny sugestions are wellcome.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same 4th LED problem....but it may be a little different for me.


I just put in watercooling a week ago and unfortunately, the tubing over the cpu block leaked a little and I found a little water on my cpu, motherboard area around cpu, and video card (ouch). Luckily though, my computer still booted up for the next 5 days and everything was fine except for a couple of times where my computer would freeze and I would have to reboot (the leak was fixed BTW).


Now i'm getting the 4th LED problem....where when I boot up the computer, the 4 LEDS are active and finally the 4th LED is the only one lit. This happened after I hauled my computer from my mom's house to my dad's house. I found no leaks when I looked inside the case and I reseated the cpu block but still no boot.


Any suggestions of what I should do?

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