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memory problem

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Hey all,


I just recently finished building a new system which is built around the Lanparty UT nF3 250 Gb. I am running Xp w/ SP2 installed. I have the Athlon 64 3000+ CPU. Everything is running perfect except for one thing.


I have installed two modules of 512 mb dual channel PC3200 DDR in the board. Both are properly seated. However, the BIOS is only reading 256mb of total memory on the board. I have only the BIOS that shipped with the board.


I downloaded the newest BIOS from DFI.com today, but i have not ran the update because I don't know how to do it the right way. Basically I have two questions.


1. What could be causing the BIOS not to recognize the 1 Gb of memory I have installed?


2. How do I properly update the BIOS for my system.


I have read some things about flashing the BIOS and have no idea what the heck that is either. Basically, this is the first system I have built. I think I got pretty lucky for it to have turned out as well as is did up to this point!! LOL.


I thank in advance anyone who can help me with this problem.



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Bios flashing will not help anything that I know of. What brand memory? Corsair? What slots the memory in? You got 2.9Volts on the memory?





Edit:> enter the bios and right side of initial bios screen choose load optimized defaults> YES > save and exit and see if there is a difference.

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I have an update here. As a precautionary move, I stopped on the way home a bought a stick of 512mb PC2700,from a reputable maker. I took the Dual channel 3200 out and put the 2700 in. Now it reads that I have 512 megs! Bad Memory??? Simpletec is an off brand around here I think. PC's can be so weeeerd.:mad:


Thanks for the reply.

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